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Mike Broomfield | profile | all galleries >> Archived Photo of the Month Galleries >> 2007 Picture of the Month tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2007 Picture of the Month

I'm starting something new this year : a picture of the month gallery. I will be posting a new photo every month in this gallery. The picture will have been taken in the month listed, so it will be new to my website. I will hold it to the same standard of any other photograph in my gallery, ie if I don't think enough of it to print it, mount it, frame it and hang it on my own wall it's not a keeper.

If I don't take a photo each month that meets my standard then I reserve the right to substitute an alternative one, but I'll let you know this.

The new photo will be available for sale permanently of course, but for about a month, until the next photo is posted it will be on sale 10% less than my normal price, and if you have already bought one of my photos you'll be getting my standard 10% discount in addition.

Each photo will be accompanied by a description of where and how the photo was taken, and a printed copy of this will be supplied with each print purchased.

New prints now uploaded through November!

Contact me using email;
replace the (at) with @ and the (dot) with .
January : Blowing Sand
January : Blowing Sand
March : Barnacle Roses
March : Barnacle Roses
March : Bleached tree root
March : Bleached tree root
April : Flowing Sand Pattern
April : Flowing Sand Pattern
May : Wellfleet, door and shingles.jpg
May : Wellfleet, door and shingles.jpg
June : Bleached branch Sandy Neck
June : Bleached branch Sandy Neck
July : Skiffs Pond River
July : Skiffs Pond River
August : Swamp Mallow
August : Swamp Mallow
September : Sesuit Marina Panorama Comp
September : Sesuit Marina Panorama Comp
October : Sunset at Bryce Canyon
October : Sunset at Bryce Canyon
November : Barnstable Cemetery Lichen on Headstones
November : Barnstable Cemetery Lichen on Headstones
December : Frosted Ivy on Broken Stone
December : Frosted Ivy on Broken Stone