Landscapes,Nature and People
"A favourite place in your part of the world""A favourite place in your part of the world"
Challenge # 173 Main Category
"Springtime foliage" TOP TEN
3rd Place Current rating 6th. |
"A favourite place in your part of the world""A favourite place in your part of the world"
Challenge # 173
Open Category
"Lomo-ish Windmill" 5th Place TOP TEN |
Reflection of the TowerReflection of the Tower |
To sail no more againTo sail no more again |
To sail no moreTo sail no more |
Under the Bridge |
Tables and ChairsTables and Chairs |
Maintenance timeMaintenance time |
Challenge #174 Off-Centred Subject Main CategoryChallenge #174 Off Centred Subject Main Category
"The twisted tree"
8th place TOP TEN
Current rating 6th |
The path to the BridgeChallenge# 182 "The low down"
Open Category
8th place TOP TEN |
Goodbye AutumnChallenge# 182 Main Category
10th place TOP TEN
Current rating 6th |
The PathThe Path |
click on thumbnails for full image