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Pictures to bring a smile!

With apologies to dead Painters and people of other races, no offence meant,just trying out a new Face programme.(Page 3).
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Statue of Eric Morecambe
In Morecambe Lancashire UK
See message from Dianne on this page,
Well she does live in Australia so will have to forgive her !!
Statue of Eric Morecambe (Comedian --NOT Prime Minister!!...)

Statue of Eric Morecambe
In Morecambe Lancashire UK
See message from Dianne on this page,
Well she does live in Australia so will have to forgive her !!

Why can't I be in the Pets Competition?

Why can't I be in the Pets Competition?

Weird place to put a Car Park Notice!!

Weird place to put a Car Park Notice!!

 I just can't bear this picture !!!
060703 008cccpc.jpg

" I just can't bear this picture !!!

Family day out
Family day out

Family day out

The new Mouth and Chin Transplant was not a total success !!
Mouth and Chin transplant ?!!

"The new Mouth and Chin Transplant was not a total success !!"

Does the Cap help?


The Marge Simpson tree
The Marge Simpson tree
Tea Break
"Tea Break"

"Tea Break"

The eye test.jpg
The eye test.jpg
Isn't the National Health Dentistry service wonderful?  (My answer is in a plain sealed envelope handed to the Clerk of the Court.)
Only joking really, this is just a partial face mask !! ( No, not from the nose upwards!!)
A "warped "sense of humour (or humor, if you prefer!)

Isn't the National Health Dentistry service wonderful? (My answer is in a plain sealed envelope handed to the Clerk of the Court.)
Only joking really, this is just a partial face mask !! ( No, not from the nose upwards!!)

But what happened to the rest of Aladdin?
Washed up on St. Annes Beach 27.03.07

But what happened to the rest of Aladdin?

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