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Michael Weinberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Non-Studio Portraits by PA Photographer Michael Weinberg > Study Partners
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06-DEC-2005 Michael Weinberg

Study Partners

Clarks Summit, PA

Almost, as if in prayer, these two serious looking men, one young and the other older,
seem to be in parallel universes which have joined together into a common bond of study
and religion. One might say that this is the bond of transition from generation to
generation (dor l'dor).

Photo by Michael Weinberg Photography of Scranton and Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.


Canon EOS 20D ,Tamron SP AF 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di LD IF
1/40s f/6.3 at 26.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Hodero09-Apr-2009 19:59
Beautiful shot!!
Big V !
Gary Winters08-Sep-2007 17:40
Excellent image, made more powerful by the sepia
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography01-Mar-2007 10:48
a mon avis ,il n'a pas des generation dans les etudes de religion.Spetiament ici,ou dans tout les mots sont les questions et les repondres..pour chercher...
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography01-Mar-2007 10:44
the same open minde,the same open
Sergio Pessolano30-Jul-2006 19:26
Superb image. Great carrying out. Voted.
Shimon Levkovich05-Jul-2006 22:13
Brilliant image. "hevruta"
Latifa Messaoudi04-Jul-2006 13:26
very good shot : love it:)
Jola Dziubinska22-Mar-2006 09:39
Very good capture.
ilene14-Jan-2006 21:12
Beautiful portrait. The color treatment works very well here.
Guest 08-Dec-2005 02:48
nice portrait!
Guest 07-Dec-2005 21:39
twistedlim07-Dec-2005 21:36
very nice
Guest 07-Dec-2005 21:19
Nice shot -
Costi Jacky 07-Dec-2005 18:57
Very good picture.