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Michel Duval | all galleries >> Galleries >> La magie du violon > Liza
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shatterbug24-Mar-2012 07:20
Beautiful composition...really like her look of concentration!
PauloCGama14-Mar-2012 14:54
Emotive and stunning in all ways, Michel!
Carl H. Johnson14-Mar-2012 10:24
Exquisite!!!! ~V~
Graeme14-Mar-2012 10:15
Beautiful portrait of this violinist, Michel.BV
an nguyen14-Mar-2012 09:55
Classic style .
Stephanie14-Mar-2012 08:18
Beautiful concentration! V
Martin Lamoon14-Mar-2012 08:10
Superb portrait. V
rousselziak14-Mar-2012 08:08
Encore une trés belle compo, superbe ! -V-
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