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Michal Leszczynski | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Serock tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Serock - Serock is a town at the north bank of the Zegrze lake in the Legionowo County, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland, with 3,616 inhabitants (2004).

Serock has existed as a fortified Masovian settlement since at least 1065. It was granted city rights in 1417 and again in 1923.
Barbarka Gord - Serock
Barbarka Gord - Serock
Barbarka Gord - Serock
Barbarka Gord - Serock
Town Hall - Serock
Town Hall - Serock
Clock - Town Hall - Serock
Clock - Town Hall - Serock
Main Square - Serock
Main Square - Serock
Main Square - Serock
Main Square - Serock
Church in Serock
Church in Serock
Entrance - Church in Serock
Entrance - Church in Serock
Millenium Bell - Church in Serock
Millenium Bell - Church in Serock
Clock on Churchs wall
Clock on Churchs wall
Church's Tower
Church's Tower
Stained Glass on Church's wall's windows
Stained Glass on Church's wall's windows
Stairs leading to the down to the Narew river
Stairs leading to the down to the Narew river
Abandoned wooden boat
Abandoned wooden boat
View on a Narew river
View on a Narew river
Narew river
Narew river
Ice abstract
Ice abstract
Narew river - Serock
Narew river - Serock
Alone bench
Alone bench
Stream in winter scenery
Stream in winter scenery
Flying gulls
Flying gulls
Narew river
Narew river
Nature in ice I
Nature in ice I
Nature in ice II
Nature in ice II
Nature in ice III
Nature in ice III
Serock near the Narew river
Serock near the Narew river
Quartet of ducks
Quartet of ducks
Narew river
Narew river
Checking on lookout for spring
Checking on lookout for spring
In anticipation of the spring
In anticipation of the spring