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Michal Leszczynski | all galleries >> In Box >> Latest Photos > Portrait of an author of exhibition in ambient light
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24-JUN-2011 Michal Leszczynski

Portrait of an author of exhibition in ambient light

Artist and paint


Portrait with two colors in background

Portrait of an artist with his work in background

Portrait of an artist

Portrait of a girl in hat

Portrait of a Lady in Hat

Portrait of a Lady in Hat


Portraits with an artist

Portrait of an artist with his work in background

Vernissage of an exhibition of paintings

Museum of Sounthern Podlasie

Vernissage of an exhibition of paintings

24th June 2011

Canon EOS 50D
1/40s f/5.0 at 41.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean D17-Jan-2012 02:40
Excellent collection in a very story telling way, Michal. ~V
norbi26-Oct-2011 22:34
An excellent collection of beautiful portraits. Rgds Norbi
Mairéad24-Oct-2011 19:12
A great collection of portraits and use of light. V
Ken Chambers ARPS22-Oct-2011 14:47
Wonderful selection of portraits of interesting faces.
All nicely photographed , Michal
Zoltán Balogh22-Oct-2011 13:18
A great series of portraits Michal! V
Guest 22-Oct-2011 10:25
WOW, stunning shot!! Very nice work capturing this.
Hans Koot22-Oct-2011 09:11
good shots
January Grey22-Oct-2011 08:47
terrific series of portraits!! V!
Bryan Murahashi22-Oct-2011 05:43
Superb series of portraits. V
larose forest photos22-Oct-2011 03:25
A marvelous series of shots. All are beautifully photographed and I vote for each one. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)22-Oct-2011 01:38
Excellent series, all beautifully clear and sharp....
Graeme21-Oct-2011 21:07
A beautiful series of images, Michal. All very well captured with excellent light and details.BV
Jean Chiasson21-Oct-2011 20:23
Fantastic seriee expression Michal big vote
Hank Vander Velde21-Oct-2011 19:56
A terrific series of BEAUTIFUL portraits Michal.
bill friedlander21-Oct-2011 19:41
Fantastic series of portraits, each one deserves a V.
Colin Storey21-Oct-2011 18:59
Great series of portraits. v
Patricia Kay21-Oct-2011 18:28
A very beautiful series of portrait images Michal...Excellent light,details and colors...BV
Jim Coffman21-Oct-2011 18:25
All of these are very nice and very natural,Michal! V+
Stephanie21-Oct-2011 18:24
Fabulous portraits Michal!!! BV
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