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Michael Shpuntov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portfolio > BCE Place, DowntownToronto
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BCE Place, DowntownToronto

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Anna Pagnacco25-Jun-2007 12:20
Beautiful range of grey tones and fine details! Anna
Michael Weinberg13-Mar-2007 05:11
Michael Weinberg13-Mar-2007 05:10
Hi Michael. I very much enjoy your bw rendition of this place. When I was in Toronto last September, I found it by accident and took the shot, hand held, in color. I believe my vantage point was from the opposite end of the structure. You can find my photo HERE
Aivar Mikko27-Nov-2006 20:03
Excellent structure. Well taken.
Wei O'Connell27-May-2006 02:37
Beautiful b&w picture. Excellent composition. voted.
mark mitrofaniuk 16-Apr-2006 19:45
really nice B&W picture of a really impressive perspective archway.
grafix7206-Feb-2006 03:21
I have almost the exact same shot from a few years ago....:)
Laura Milholland04-Feb-2006 01:54
Another beautiful B & W. Especially like compostion also.
Buz Kiefer26-Dec-2005 20:47
Excellent composition and like the choice of B&W here.
caveman_lee26-Dec-2005 16:16
A great B&W shot.
Guest 26-Dec-2005 06:46
I agree with Duncan...this is wonderful!
René Lortie26-Dec-2005 02:09
Very good B&W perspective.
...duncan26-Dec-2005 00:49
Man you are good.
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