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Innovation Forum

The Innovation Forum is a DBA under Marc Gagnon Inc. and was initiated up in New England and extends from Portland ME to Albany NY. The purchase of the group is to organize the community towards a Common Goal. There are currently 13 Chapters/Groups. The groups deal with community issues to help enhance the community at large. Each group has a member of over 25 members. Of course, since each of the members are business leaders, another result of membership is to attain more business. Below is the group's Declaration to the Community:


A United Community pledges its combined resources to work together to bring clarity, unity, and action to the commonwealth. It is our intention that the Common Good is the ultimate purpose of our organization, the Innovation Forum. Our group will identify the inequities of our society that are barriers for people in attaining life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Innovation Forum will develop resources for the Commonwealth, provide resources and will act as a catalyst resulting in action devised for the Common Good. The Commonwealth is defined as the World at Large where the Greater Good will be served. Our United Group will recognize the accomplishments of individuals of the Commonwealth. WE will also assist those who are challenged to achieve the pursuit of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This Declaration for and by the Commonwealth is our pledge to reinstate the 9 Principles and 12 Values set forth by the countries Forefathers of the original 13 colonies. Each person within the Commonwealth will be heard, respected, and will be welcomed to unite for the common good. The 9 principles and 12 Values will be reinstated to strengthen the Commonwealth.

All People are respected and are embraced for their individuality, differences and opinions. The following Principles are critical to have a healthy and progressive society:


1.) America is a land that is basically good and based on solid principles that cannot be forgotten.

2.) A Belief of a God whatever you define as such as a higher being. God must be the center of one’s life where principles of moral character are adhered to. Life must be revered to the highest level.

3.) The Truth must always be sought within oneself and with the community in order to search for solutions where there may be inequities.

4.) The families of the Commonwealth are the foundation of society. The family unit, and not the government, must have the ultimate right to govern their own family with the exception if Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is interfered with.

5.) Justice within the Commonwealth is of the utmost importance and critical to a society. No one must be above the law. The Commonwealth is a Republic of Law, not a Republic of Men.

6.) Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, but there is no guarantee as to its results.

7.) Everyone has the right to choose who they will be charitable with and no one has the right to force their hand otherwise.

8.) We have the right to disagree with others in the Commonwealth of the People and it is both our right and responsibility to change that which has inequities which interfere with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness with Others.

9.) The People of the Commonwealth with the government the power to act. It is the government that works for the people, not the people that work for the government.

Although each individual member of the Innovation Forum is different and differences are embraced, each shares each of these values:

1.) Truth – The desire to face the truth and to deal with them.

2.) Reverence – Life is held in high regard, especially human life.

3.) Hope- Each member strives to create a better future.

4.) Thrift- Each member has no desire to show gluttonous behavior and the organization shows financial discipline.

5.) Humility – Each member strives to be humble with each other and attention is given to issues and the quality of human life.

6.) Charity – The giving of each other is held in the highest of regards.

7.) Sincerity – Personal behavior in dealing with each other and to be sincere about each of our opinions.

8.) Moderation – Each portion of each individual’s life is dealt with in moderation.

9.) Hard Work – Is a quality that each member holds dearly.

10.) Courage – Each member stands by their convictions in life.

11.) Personal Responsibility – Each person is responsible for each other’s rights and well- being.

12.) Gratitude – Each person will show their gratitude to their creator and each other.

The group’s main purpose to help create a permanent positive change for society, whether it be in their neighborhood, city, county, State, Country and the World. The group adopts the Seven (7) Actions to be implemented in the global community.

The 7 Actions

1.) The group pledges to be an element of change where to protect, to serve, be a catalyst for education, and to unite the community is of the ultimate importance.

2.) The group agrees to work with the government and to see that government serves the people. The group voices the needs of the people to the government and if the government chooses to ignore the people, the people will organize to back candidates that will affect positive change. The group will hold government accountable and will maintain one of its principles that no one is above the law.

3.) The group pledges to find inequities in the community. The group assesses the problems and come up with solutions in the confines of the 9 Principles and 12 Values mentioned in this Declaration.

4.) The group acts on the behalf of its future, specifically, the children of our community, both born and unborn for the greater good.

5.) The group will work with commerce (corporate America) so to act as a catalyst to help business and community to serve each other. The group from time to time will work with business to enhance its relationship with its employees, help enhance its presentation and purpose of its products, and will work to enhance its relationship with the community at large.

6.) The group will work to elevate the community on all areas of excellence including the arts, music, and all freedoms of expression, and especially with its children to its senior citizens.

7.) The group will pursue activities that will give All People of all cultures, background, religion, Opportunities whether they be in business, spiritually, education, and personal growth.

The group hereby adopts as this Declaration both in part and in hole the completeness of all of its principles, values and actions. This Declaration is written for all people, both young and old, both born and unborn, to both protect our liberties and to enhance our lives as one community. Although each person is an individual with differences, this Declaration proclaims that all people are essentially the same under the visual and audio appearances.
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Sr. Joanne Lafontaine directing
Sr. Joanne Lafontaine directing
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting
Innovation Forum meeting