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Consumer the early years

Like many photographers, Marc Gagnon began his career photographing at proms, weddings, did portraits, events, and school sports. He attributes his beginnings to an artist he almost married by the name of Amanda Dobbs. She visited from England back in 1981. Gagnon picked up his first camera while on trips with Amanda visiting the New England region. The photography in this part of the website is from roughly from 1981 to 1984. Most of the people photographed were from the Nashua, NH region. Gagnon cousin, Norman Loranger, a wedding photographer, is credited with his early mentoring.
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Lori at Curtis Hill Condominiums in Tyngsboro MA
Lori at Curtis Hill Condominiums in Tyngsboro MA
Nashua NH on top of One Indian Head Plaza
Nashua NH on top of One Indian Head Plaza
Catholic Jr HS meet
Catholic Jr HS meet
Basketball Team
Basketball Team
Jarretta Copeland at Nashua Soup Kitchen
Jarretta Copeland at Nashua Soup Kitchen
Paul Desrosiers at Wedding
Paul Desrosiers at Wedding
Fr Jerry 25th Anniversary at St. Louis, Nashua, NH
Fr Jerry 25th Anniversary at St. Louis, Nashua, NH
Markus Design Studio
Markus Design Studio
Miss NH Pageant
Miss NH Pageant
Tara Wedding Photo
Tara Wedding Photo
Wedding Ad by Gagnon
Wedding Ad by Gagnon
Theresa Dionne Wedding which hang at Scontsas
Theresa Dionne Wedding which hang at Scontsas
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