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Michael Resnik Agent | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Caldwell Theatre tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Caldwell Theatre

Caldwell Theatre assignments by Marc Gagnon is the subject of this portfolio review. Gagnon did the photographic work for Caldwell Theatre out of Boca Raton around 2004-2006. There are a variety of plays and musicals featured in this portfolio along with the trustee opening receptions. Some of the guests at Caldwell Theatre are well notable people such as Helen Gurley Brown of Cosmopolitan Magazine, David Brown her husband who produced Jaws and Deep Impact and started Steven Spielberg, Robert Johnson a well known attorney and television host out of Boston, Massachusetts as well as many influential people around Palm Beach County.
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Helen Gurley Brown with David Brown and others
Helen Gurley Brown with David Brown and others
Last Sunday in June
Last Sunday in June
Deja Vue
Deja Vue
Deja Vue
Deja Vue
Deja Vue
Deja Vue
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Casting Party
Robert Johnson and Murray Fisher
Robert Johnson and Murray Fisher
The Countess at the Casting Party
The Countess at the Casting Party
Dinner Party
Dinner Party
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