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Michael Resnik Agent | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botannical Gardens and Nature tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Botannical Gardens and Nature

Gagnon is also known for his work on botannical garden and nature themes. He also has an extensive portfolio of wildlife. Gagnon is a member of the Nature Conservancy as well as Defenders of Wildlife. His commitment to the environment is reflected in his pieces Mother Nature collage, Florida Wildlife collage, American Orchid Society collage, and Tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe collage. Marc Gagnon believes that the diversity of his work expands his artistry to all dimensions.
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NH Day Lilly
NH Day Lilly
Walden Pond
Walden Pond
Hanging Falls
Hanging Falls
Nature's River
Nature's River
Beauty of Nature
Beauty of Nature
AOS Fountain
AOS Fountain
AOS Pond
AOS Pond
Ausable Chasm
Ausable Chasm
Ausable Chasm
Ausable Chasm
Blue Jay
Blue Jay
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