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Recente fotos

These are recent pictures. Please let me know if you like them or not. This gallery will be refreshed every year.

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Geoorde Fuut - Black-necked Grebe Eider - Eider Brileider - Spectacled Eider Siberische Taling - Baikal Teal
Siberische Taling - Baikal Teal Siberische Taling - Baikal Teal Brileider - Spectacled Eider Brileider - Spectacled Eider
Pacifische Parelduiker - Pacific Loon Pacifische Parelduiker - Pacific Loon Pacifische Parelduiker - Pacific Loon patrijs - grey patridge
patrijs - grey patridge patrijs - grey patridge patrijs - grey patridge patrijs - grey patridge
patrijs - grey patridge spotlijster - northern mockingbird spotlijster - northern mockingbird spotlijster - northern mockingbird
spotlijster - northern mockingbird spotlijster - northern mockingbird spotlijster - northern mockingbird spotlijster - northern mockingbird
spotlijster - northern mockingbird pimpelmees - blue tit boomklever - nuthatch middelste bonte specht - middle spotted woodpecker
koolmees - great tit boomklever - nuthatch rosse franjepoot - red pharlarope rosse franjepoot - red pharlarope
rosse franjepoot - red pharlarope rosse franjepoot - red pharlarope rosse franjepoot - red pharlarope kleine alk - little auk
kleine alk - liitle auk komeet C-2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) komeet C-2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) -  comet C-2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) noorderlicht - northern lights
noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights bosgors - rustic bunting
bosgors - rustic bunting zwarte ibis - glossy ibis zwarte ibis - glossy ibis zwarte ibis - glossy ibis
zwarte ibis - glossy ibis zwarte ibis - glossy ibis zwarte ibis - glossy ibis blonde ruiter - buff-breasted sandpiper
kleine strandloper - little stint kleine strandloper - little stint kleine strandloper - little stint kleine strandloper - little stint
kleine strandloper - little stint kleine strandloper - little stint bontbekplevier - ringed plover bontbekplevier - ringed plover
bontbekplevier - ringed plover Aalscholver - great cormorant Aalscholver - great cormorant Aalscholver - great cormorant
bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater
bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater hop - Eurasian hoopoe bijeneter - beeeater
bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater bijeneter - beeeater
graszanger - zitting cisticola ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher
ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher
ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher
bosrietzanger - marsh warbler bosrietzanger - marsh warbler bosrietzanger - marsh warbler bosrietzanger - marsh warbler
noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights
noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights
noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights noorderlicht - northern lights
spreeuw - starling spreeuw - starling sneeuwgors - snowbunting sneeuwgors - snowbunting
sneeuwgors - snowbunting ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher ijsvogel - kingfisher
ijsvogel - kingfisher poelruiter - marsh sandpiper poelruiter - marsh sandpiper poelruiter - marsh sandpiper
poelruiter - marsh sandpiper grutto - black-tailed godwit kemphaan - ruff grutto - black-tailed godwit
poelruiter - marsh sandpiper poelruiter - marsh sandpiper poelruiter - marsh sandpiper IJslandse grutto - Icelandic black-tailed godwit
IJslandse grutto - Icelandic black-tailed godwit IJslandse grutto - Icelandic black-tailed godwit IJslandse grutto - Icelandic black-tailed godwit kemphaan - ruff
middelste bonte specht - middle spotted woodpecker velduil - short-eared owl velduil - short-eared owl velduil - short-eared owl
velduil - short-eared owl velduil - short-eared owl zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper
zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper
zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper zwartbuikwaterspreeuw - black-bellied Dipper ringsnaveleend - ring-necked duck
ringsnaveleend - ring-necked duck ringsnaveleend - ring-necked duck ringsnaveleend - ring-necked duck ringsnaveleend - ring-necked duck
torenvalk - common kestrel torenvalk - common kestrel torenvalk - common kestrel torenvalk - common kestrel
grote zaagbek - common merganser grote zaagbek - common merganser grote zaagbek - common merganser grote zaagbek - common merganser