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Michael L Hicks | all galleries >> Galleries >> Odds & Ends > solar eclipse 05301984.jpg
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May 30, 1984

solar eclipse 05301984.jpg

Mt. Vernon, Illinois USA

This is just an interesting piece of my history. On a recent Sunday afternoon I was going through some old stuff and found this. As I remember it, I took the photo using Kodak Plus-X Pan film in a Praktica manual 35mm SLR. I used every available means of reducing the amount of light exposing the film - a 2x teleconverter, a zoom lens at highest magnification, four of my darkest filters, the smallest aperature (f22), and the fastest shutter speed available (1/1000). It was taken from the roof of the hospital where I work. After work that day I processed the film in the bathroom set up as a darkroom. I was up until about 1am getting a series of prints. Before 7am the next morning I was at the Register-News office with one print of an exposure made at the peak of the eclipse. I was told by the editor that some of the local professionals had failed in their attempts to capture the eclipse. I was somewhat surprised to see it on the front page that afternoon when my copy was delivered.

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