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mgthommo | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> cape_york_air_safari_aug_2022 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Cape York, FNQ
Cape York, FNQ
Cape York, FNQ
Cape York, FNQ
Thursday Island, Torres Strait, FNQ
Thursday Island, Torres Strait, FNQ
Tip of Cape York, FNQ.   Most northern point on Australian mainland
Tip of Cape York, FNQ. Most northern point on Australian mainland
Tip of Cape York, FNQ.   Most northern point on Australian mainland
Tip of Cape York, FNQ. Most northern point on Australian mainland
Great Barrier Reef, enroute to Lizard Island, QLD
Great Barrier Reef, enroute to Lizard Island, QLD
Great Barrier Reef, enroute to Lizard Island, QLD
Great Barrier Reef, enroute to Lizard Island, QLD
Lizard Island, FNQ
Lizard Island, FNQ
Lizard Island, FNQ
Lizard Island, FNQ
Lizard Island, FNQ
Lizard Island, FNQ
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