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Sept / 3 / 09 Meta

parallel universe

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Ken McColl10-Apr-2010 00:40 you're talking y language.Great shot.
Jeff Real02-Jan-2010 15:06
The perspective is stunning ~V~
Don Mottershead01-Jan-2010 07:17
Definitely not a pastoral scene. Monumental and oppressive and very powerful. ~V~
PauloCGama17-Dec-2009 11:30
I'm back here: I do love the lines!! Well seen .. wonderfully done.
Jean-Luc Rollier12-Dec-2009 11:35
Great compo! Love the tone.
JL Vote
Raymond Ma29-Nov-2009 07:28
Fabulous mono mood and graphics! V
Guest 27-Nov-2009 05:32
Quite futuristic.
Wenche Aune25-Nov-2009 20:50
Great composition and tones. V
bill friedlander25-Nov-2009 01:39
Superb POV for a great graphic image. The B&W tone are beautiful. V
giselle borgwardt24-Nov-2009 20:59
Great return!
Patricia Kay24-Nov-2009 11:59
Wonderful image Meta.....BV
FrankB24-Nov-2009 01:30
Beautifully done of course....but the perfect connecting contrail adds that little Meta twist! :)...V
an nguyen24-Nov-2009 00:32
There, vertical lines straight up. Love the strong lines of this image.
Nick Arena24-Nov-2009 00:24
Great lines and tones..excellent work..v
Martha Albuquerque23-Nov-2009 23:01
A gap to take me away ~ beautiful . V
PauloCGama23-Nov-2009 22:56
Strong and fabulous composition. Well seen and wonderfully done.
Marcia Rules23-Nov-2009 22:39
marvelous in every way...a grand image..V
Wim Ensie23-Nov-2009 22:00
The buildings connected by a lightline in beautiful BW.
You made an impressive picture, Meta.
John23-Nov-2009 20:29
Wowie, strong lines making a parallel. I love these titles. BV
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