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In 2010 and 2011 i went to my regular holiday destination Mersin. On my previous visits i never had chance to produce any footage of this particular location called The Bay of Barbaros...Somehow this time i was well prepared and determined to bring back some pictures, forgetting the camera or taking drained batteries with me wasn't an option.... I tried to put together afew pictures of this beautiful location in this album. Enjoy it.
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Looking at the valley from Mersin-Antalya road.
Looking at the valley from Mersin-Antalya road.
At the entrance of Barbaros bay there is a small flat place where you can park your car.
At the entrance of Barbaros bay there is a small flat place where you can park your car.
View from west side of the bay.
View from west side of the bay.
The shores of the bay is only about 200mt long and it gets very deep immediately so it is not safe for non swimmers.
The shores of the bay is only about 200mt long and it gets very deep immediately so it is not safe for non swimmers.
nice one.
nice one.
Trying a panoramic shot
Trying a panoramic shot
Part of the road was covered by bushes , at one place i simply had to jump out of the van and see if the road ahead was safe .
Part of the road was covered by bushes , at one place i simply had to jump out of the van and see if the road ahead was safe .
Small platform built for boats to unload or upload.
Small platform built for boats to unload or upload.
Shore line.
Shore line.
There is a tiny island righ in the center and beyond u can see the fish farms.
There is a tiny island righ in the center and beyond u can see the fish farms.
I have seen 4 man made anchoring places for fish farms in the bay  while i was snorkelling.
I have seen 4 man made anchoring places for fish farms in the bay while i was snorkelling.
Farmers growing tomatoes, peppers and beans along the road. Iteresting rock formations of the hill beyond...
Farmers growing tomatoes, peppers and beans along the road. Iteresting rock formations of the hill beyond...
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