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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Golden Hour Gallery > Sunrise Cloud 20131024
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24-Oct-2013 Gordon L Wolford

Sunrise Cloud 20131024

Along Irish Creek

Photographed near Kilmarnock, Ontario, Canada.

FujiFilm FinePix HS50EXR
1/120s f/2.8 at 4.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marco Valk22-Nov-2013 16:18
Superb image with great color.
Ashley Hockenberry16-Nov-2013 21:59
Sandy Rich24-Oct-2013 19:02
Wonderful and colorful cloud formation fanning out and reflecting. Great image.
J. Scott Coile24-Oct-2013 13:53
John C. de Freitas24-Oct-2013 13:15
Just outstanding. Well captured. Well done...V
caveman_lee24-Oct-2013 13:12
A fantastic capture, very nice in color and composition. V
Guest 24-Oct-2013 13:06
Just lovely. Best J
Photo.Keely24-Oct-2013 12:59
Nice work! Well done! V.
Mary Bowles24-Oct-2013 12:56
Who needs to travel the world when you have scenes like this on your doorstep.
Just marvellous.