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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Lone Tree In Foggy Sunrise 23801
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Gordon L Wolford

Lone Tree In Foggy Sunrise 23801

Photographed near Rosedale, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Stuart Smith22-May-2012 01:11
Guest 21-May-2012 21:18
Fantastic light and colours, Gordon! Wonderful capture and composition! :>))
Apostolos Tikopoulos21-May-2012 21:08
Outstanding image. v.
dazkeyte21-May-2012 19:51
Antonis Sarantos21-May-2012 17:44
Wonderful colours, soft like silk image! V
Guest 21-May-2012 15:18
Great muted color. Beautiful presentation. v