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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Location >> Canada Galleries >> Ontario >> Ontario Rivers Galleries >> Saint Lawrence River Gallery > Thousand Islands Bridge At Twilight 20111031
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31-Oct-2011 Gordon L Wolford

Thousand Islands Bridge At Twilight 20111031

Northern Span

The Thousand Islands Bridge is an international bridge system over the Saint Lawrence River
connecting northern New York in the United States with southeastern Ontario in Canada.

Photographed from Darlingside, Ontario, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 15-Jun-2012 00:03
Lovely light. Best. J
Bart Aldrich07-Nov-2011 15:46
Excellent work!
Jim's Atavistic Visions01-Nov-2011 19:17
Fantastic night shot and reflections!... Josefina
Guest 01-Nov-2011 19:00
Wonderful night shot! The bridge looks so impressive with all the lights against that beautiful sky!