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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Golden Hour Gallery > Cloud Of Seagulls 20461
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Cloud Of Seagulls 20461

At sunrise

Thought I was back in the Bosque del Apache for a moment,
except these were gulls instead of snow geese. :-)

Photographed near Carleton Place, Ontario Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Juan Miguel28-Sep-2008 06:15
Lovely secena with beautiful colours.V
Marek Wilczura23-Sep-2008 07:36
very nice "seagullscape" ... :)
Guest 23-Sep-2008 02:27
Beautiful V
Guest 23-Sep-2008 01:51
Absolutely beautiful Gordon. The sky is a beautiful backdrop for the seagulls
Lieve Snellings22-Sep-2008 23:24
fantastic image, beautiful from composition and colours