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merjatee | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Boogie and Hugo - Winter 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Boogie and Hugo - Winter 2005

Two Siberian Cats GIC Amante's Boogie-Woogie and CH Amante's Appassionato - posing for the camera in March 2005. Cattery page - kasvattajasivu --- ---
Boogie and the snow in March 2005
Boogie and the snow in March 2005
I heard something....
I heard something....
Watch out!
Watch out!
Almost ready to go home!
Almost ready to go home!
Let's go now!
Let's go now!
Close up of a serious boy.
Close up of a serious boy.
u10/merjatee/medium/41406646.bogie_lumi240305h.jpg u10/merjatee/medium/41406647.bogie_lumi_closeup240305.jpg Get rid of that camera!
Get rid of that camera!
I like mom Linda!
I like mom Linda!
I am not interested!
I am not interested!
u10/merjatee/medium/41406654.boogie240305i.jpg That's all, I hope!
That's all, I hope!
Hugo taking posing seriously!
Hugo taking posing seriously!
Hugo's Sunday pose!
Hugo's Sunday pose!
I can be taken to a show now!
I can be taken to a show now!
Hugo close up!
Hugo close up!
Another close up of Hugo's magic eyes!
Another close up of Hugo's magic eyes!