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Tom Merigan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cormorants,Coots,Moorhens,Galinules, Rails and Sora tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cormorants,Coots,Moorhens,Galinules, Rails and Sora

Most of the pictures represent subgalleries(::)which can be opened to show more pictures which can be further opened to see the full image
Double-crested Cormorants
:: Double-crested Cormorants ::
Brandt's Cormorants
:: Brandt's Cormorants ::
Pelagic Cormorants
:: Pelagic Cormorants ::
Neotropic Cormorants
:: Neotropic Cormorants ::
:: Shags ::
Red-faced Cormorants
:: Red-faced Cormorants ::
Imperial Shags
:: Imperial Shags ::
Flightless Cormorants
:: Flightless Cormorants ::
Little Pied Cormorant
:: Little Pied Cormorant ::
Black-faced Cormorant
:: Black-faced Cormorant ::
Great Cormorant
:: Great Cormorant ::
American Coots
:: American Coots ::
Hawaiian Coots
:: Hawaiian Coots ::
Common Moorhens
:: Common Moorhens ::
Purple Galinules
:: Purple Galinules ::
Purple Swamp Hen
:: Purple Swamp Hen ::
:: Rails ::
Giant Cormorant
Giant Cormorant
Giant Cormorant
Giant Cormorant