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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2010_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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33 William Street Newport.tif
33 William Street Newport.tif
41 William Street Newport.tif
41 William Street Newport.tif
80 John Street Newport.tif
80 John Street Newport.tif
29 John Street Newport.tif
29 John Street Newport.tif
66 John Street Newport.tif
66 John Street Newport.tif
122 Prospect Hill Street Newport.tif
122 Prospect Hill Street Newport.tif
10 Barney Street Newport.tif
10 Barney Street Newport.tif
47 John Street Newport.tif
47 John Street Newport.tif
peekaboo sunflower.tif
peekaboo sunflower.tif
sunflower field.tif
sunflower field.tif
at night black and white.tif
at night black and white.tif
night time windmill.tif
night time windmill.tif
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