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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2007_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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34 Thames Street Newport.tif
34 Thames Street Newport.tif
34 Thames Street Newport-bw.tif
34 Thames Street Newport-bw.tif
Old Baptist Meeting House b&w.tif
Old Baptist Meeting House b&w.tif
Old Baptist Meeting House.tif
Old Baptist Meeting House.tif
this old fence b&w.tif
this old fence b&w.tif
this old fence.tif
this old fence.tif
namesakes b&w.tif
namesakes b&w.tif
sunset silhouette b&w.tif
sunset silhouette b&w.tif
sunset silhouette.tif
sunset silhouette.tif
three boats b&w.tif
three boats b&w.tif
three boats.tif
three boats.tif
Beavertail impression.tif
Beavertail impression.tif
sunlight dance on sea.tif
sunlight dance on sea.tif
Mack in the woods.tif
Mack in the woods.tif
gray skiff in rain 1.tif
gray skiff in rain 1.tif
gray skiff in rain 2.tif
gray skiff in rain 2.tif
gray skiff in rain 3.tif
gray skiff in rain 3.tif
old Mack.tif
old Mack.tif
reflections of deck and rope b&w.tif
reflections of deck and rope b&w.tif
reflections of deck and rope.tif
reflections of deck and rope.tif
reflections of the deck b&w.tif
reflections of the deck b&w.tif
reflections of the deck.tif
reflections of the deck.tif
lines of doric b&w.tif
lines of doric b&w.tif
lines of doric.tif
lines of doric.tif
temple to music b&w.tif
temple to music b&w.tif
temple to music.tif
temple to music.tif
goat island sunset b&w.tif
goat island sunset b&w.tif
goat island sunset.tif
goat island sunset.tif
purple loosestrife.tif
purple loosestrife.tif
approaching storm.tif
approaching storm.tif
beavertail after the storm.tif
beavertail after the storm.tif
looking up at Providence.tif
looking up at Providence.tif
reflections of providence-bw.tif
reflections of providence-bw.tif
view from the sidewalk.tif
view from the sidewalk.tif
falls and plant.tif
falls and plant.tif
October waterfire.tif
October waterfire.tif
Tucker pond in fall.tif
Tucker pond in fall.tif
colors of the bow.tif
colors of the bow.tif
reflection of Rockport harbor.tif
reflection of Rockport harbor.tif
two skiffs-Rockport Maine.tif
two skiffs-Rockport Maine.tif
pine in ice.tif
pine in ice.tif
mudpuddle reflection .tif
mudpuddle reflection .tif
mudpuddle reflection b&w .tif
mudpuddle reflection b&w .tif
reflections of providence.tif
reflections of providence.tif
frozen oak.tif
frozen oak.tif
frozen pine.tif
frozen pine.tif
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