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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2007_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Beavertail impression.tif
Beavertail impression.tif
sunlight dance on sea.tif
sunlight dance on sea.tif
Mack in the woods.tif
Mack in the woods.tif
gray skiff in rain 1.tif
gray skiff in rain 1.tif
gray skiff in rain 2.tif
gray skiff in rain 2.tif
gray skiff in rain 3.tif
gray skiff in rain 3.tif
old Mack.tif
old Mack.tif
reflections of deck and rope b&w.tif
reflections of deck and rope b&w.tif
reflections of deck and rope.tif
reflections of deck and rope.tif
reflections of the deck b&w.tif
reflections of the deck b&w.tif
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