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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2006_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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hawse hole.tif
hawse hole.tif
Miss Judith B&W.tif
Miss Judith B&W.tif
Miss Judith.tif
Miss Judith.tif
Old Mystic B&W.tif
Old Mystic B&W.tif
Old Mystic.tif
Old Mystic.tif
Black Sheep.tif
Black Sheep.tif
Point Judith sunset.tif
Point Judith sunset.tif
sunset on the bay.tif
sunset on the bay.tif
Winter night in Providence.tif
Winter night in Providence.tif
Manchester station at night.tif
Manchester station at night.tif
night on Point Street bridge.tif
night on Point Street bridge.tif
summer night in Providence.tif
summer night in Providence.tif
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