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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2006_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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sunset on the fleet.tif
sunset on the fleet.tif
Bellleville pond bridge.tif
Bellleville pond bridge.tif
old barn door bw.tif
old barn door bw.tif
old barn door.tif
old barn door.tif
Calm white reflection.tif
Calm white reflection.tif
ERN-Rockport Harbor.tif
ERN-Rockport Harbor.tif
We're Here.tif
We're Here.tif
two boat reflection.tif
two boat reflection.tif
Harvest moon.tif
Harvest moon.tif
Karen & Linda.tif
Karen & Linda.tif
hawse hole bw.tif
hawse hole bw.tif
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