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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2006_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Providence skyline from Benefit Street.tif
Providence skyline from Benefit Street.tif
awaiting the guests.tif
awaiting the guests.tif
reflections in the stream.tif
reflections in the stream.tif
two boats.tif
two boats.tif
barn door hinge.tif
barn door hinge.tif
old lock.tif
old lock.tif
winter barn.tif
winter barn.tif
beavertail wave-bw.tif
beavertail wave-bw.tif
Angelique-Camden Maine.tif
Angelique-Camden Maine.tif
Camden dinghy.tif
Camden dinghy.tif
skiff shadow-bw.tif
skiff shadow-bw.tif
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