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Matthew Ellsworth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2004_scenics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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blue and white.tif
blue and white.tif
water lily
water lily
Jamestown windmill.tif
Jamestown windmill.tif
Lafayette mill falls in October.tif
Lafayette mill falls in October.tif
Narragansett towers at night.tif
Narragansett towers at night.tif
Newport bridge at night.tif
Newport bridge at night.tif
Peones at Casey Farm.jpg
Peones at Casey Farm.jpg
Scarborough beach chair.tif
Scarborough beach chair.tif
ferns after the storm.tif
ferns after the storm.tif
granny smith at Barden orchard.tif
granny smith at Barden orchard.tif
honeycrisp at Barden orchard.tif
honeycrisp at Barden orchard.tif
Rose of Sharon.tif
Rose of Sharon.tif
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