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Bob AYTON | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> winds_of_change tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This gallery is devoted to the demise of Technical Education in the State of Victoria.

-......1887 ___The Working Man's College founded with junior school part of its operations.
-......1912 ___Junior school moves to 555 LaTrobe Street and given the name Melbourne Junior Technical School.
-......1921 ___Re-named The West Melbourne Technical School.
-......1930s __Decision made to move to a new site in Essendon.
-......1938 ___Foundation stone laid... Essendon Technical School classes started in 1939

--1992 The Kennett government closed it down and sold it off for private development with TAFE taking over the "Listed" building, demolishing the rest for car parking.

I think you can tell that I am upset by this foolish 'near-sightedness'
When are our politicians going to held to account for this 'vandalism' of Taxpayers Facilities?
Essendon Technical School
Essendon Technical School
Essendon Tech 1991 Drg 1 Labelled.jpg
Essendon Tech 1991 Drg 1 Labelled.jpg
Kangan TAFE
Kangan TAFE
Kangan TAFE.jpg
Kangan TAFE.jpg
Demolished Hall
Demolished Hall
Demolished FM 1.jpg
Demolished FM 1.jpg
Before the destruction
Before the destruction
Filing Bench work before D-DAY
Filing Bench work before "D-DAY"
Gymnasium before demolition
Gymnasium before demolition
Government Vandalism
Government Vandalism
The West Melbourne Technical School/ Essendon Technical School
The West Melbourne Technical School/ Essendon Technical School
Welding Torch
Welding Torch
Carpark replaces Workshops 2.jpg
Carpark replaces Workshops 2.jpg
FM makes way for 3 rubbish bins and a few cars.jpg
FM makes way for 3 rubbish bins and a few cars.jpg
Demolition stops here
Demolition stops here
Spot the students?
Spot the students?
Entrance 2.jpg
Entrance 2.jpg
So Pretty NOW 2.jpg
So Pretty NOW 2.jpg
Essendon Tech Housing estate panorama
Essendon Tech Housing estate panorama
Typical House 2.jpg
Typical House 2.jpg
New Road
New Road
Some things don't change
Some things don't change
Rear entrance
Rear entrance
The western end goal posts
The western end goal posts
Love is blind
Love is blind
Avondale Heights High School Demolished.jpg
Avondale Heights High School Demolished.jpg
Avondale Primary School Ex.jpg
Avondale Primary School Ex.jpg
Learning Centre.jpg
Learning Centre.jpg