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Tim Reisdorf | profile | all galleries >> Canadian Destinations >> Winter around Lake Superior tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Winter around Lake Superior

Winter scenes around Sault Ste. Marie and the Lake Superior shoreline.
Also a few photographs near Duluth.
Boat in Snow
Boat in Snow
Sunset on Frozen Superior
Sunset on Frozen Superior
Frozen Shoreline
Frozen Shoreline
Asleep in Time
Asleep in Time
Closed for the Season
Closed for the Season
Snowed In
Snowed In
Frozen In
Frozen In
Border Bridge
Border Bridge
Shoreline Birds
Shoreline Birds
Crisp Morning on the Bay
Crisp Morning on the Bay
Sault Ste. Marie Bay
Sault Ste. Marie Bay
Birds on Posts
Birds on Posts
Board Walk at Sault Ste. Marie
Board Walk at Sault Ste. Marie
Ships Docked
Ships Docked
Frozen Ships
Frozen Ships
Ice Bound
Ice Bound
Duluth Docks in Winter
Duluth Docks in Winter
Steel and Ice
Steel and Ice