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Tim Reisdorf | profile | all galleries >> Canadian Destinations >> Canadian Mountain Parks >> Nature's Beauty tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nature's Beauty

Nothing is more wondrous than the beauty of the earth.

From the far reaching shores of the ocean, to the vastness of the prairies,

to the sheer magnificence of the mountains.

I hope this gallery provides you with a brief, but wonderful glimmer of this amazing world.
Jasper Mountains
Jasper Mountains
Clouds over Mountains
Clouds over Mountains
Changing Season
Changing Season
Nature's Beauty 4
Nature's Beauty 4
Canola in Manitoba, Canada
Canola in Manitoba, Canada
Lakeshore Plants
Lakeshore Plants
Sylvan Lake, Yellowstone
Sylvan Lake, Yellowstone
Pacific Waves
Pacific Waves
Maligne Lake, Jasper
Maligne Lake, Jasper
Forest and Mountain
Forest and Mountain
Scenic Kootenay 3
Scenic Kootenay 3
Jasper in Black and White
Jasper in Black and White