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Tim Reisdorf | profile | all galleries >> Canadian Destinations >> Canadian Mountain Parks >> Golf in Fairmont British Columbia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Golf in Fairmont British Columbia

Fairmont Hot Springs has two incredible golf courses.

Riverside Golf Course is an incredible challenge along the Kootenay River in the valley.

Mountainside Golf Course by contrast is cut out of the beautiful mountain terrain

overlooking the valley. Both courses are a must play in this region.
Mountainside 1
Mountainside 1
Mountainside 2
Mountainside 2
Mountainside 3
Mountainside 3
Mountainside 4
Mountainside 4
Mountainside 6
Mountainside 6
Mountainside 7
Mountainside 7
Mountainside 9
Mountainside 9
Riverside Course 1
Riverside Course 1
Riverside Course 2
Riverside Course 2