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tj Hoffman | profile | all galleries >> 1994 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Yaxuna, Yucatan as it appeared in 1994.

"Main Temple" was a shot Texas explorer,Gay Wright took 10 years later...
Not much has changed. Funding is quite thin for restoration of such sites.

Yaxuna, is located about 30 kilometers south of Chichen'Itza and was originally built in the Early Classic Maya period. Fought over repeatedly by Coba to the east and Chichen'Itza to the north, the site is of great religious significance, even today. Yaxuna is 19 km south of Chichen
It was originally built in the Middle Formative period.
Coba lies to the east of Yaxuna
The style at Chichen is Modified Florescent.. A Sacbe or 'white road' still connect the site with Coba, 100 kilometers to the south.
Main Temple at Yaxuna, 2004
Main Temple at Yaxuna, 2004
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el castillo
el castillo
main pyramid  1994
main pyramid 1994
main pyramid 1994.  #2
main pyramid 1994. #2