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Qufu, Shandong Province

Qufu is the hometown of Confucius.
An elaborately carved column...
An elaborately carved column...
The Confucius Temple
The Confucius Temple
The Wall Surrounding the Confucius Temple
The Wall Surrounding the Confucius Temple
One of the stone monuments carried by a...
One of the stone monuments carried by a...
The Confucius Woods before the Temple
The Confucius Woods before the Temple
A pavillion housing one of the monuments
A pavillion housing one of the monuments
In front of the Confucius Tomb
In front of the Confucius Tomb
The main building in the Confucius House Compound
The main building in the Confucius House Compound
The pavillions housing the monuments dedicated to Confucius by past emperors
The pavillions housing the monuments dedicated to Confucius by past emperors
The Entrance to the Confucius Tomb
The Entrance to the Confucius Tomb