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11.30.2006 | Chinese Amb. Zhou Wenzhong Speaks at WACCT Executive Forum

The Chinese ambassador to the US, Mr. Zhou Wenzhong, spoke at World Affairs Council of CT's Executive Forum on 11/30. He provided a sweeping overview of some of the most contested issues that China faces today, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. Granted, in his position as the ambassador he could only speak from such high levels that, to an average person having to deal with China in their own small trenches, may seem a bit wishful thinking from time to time. But the fact that the ambassador in his amicable self was there dialoguing with the American public perhaps mattered more...
Chinese Amb. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou and WACCT Board Directors
Chinese Amb. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou and WACCT Board Directors
Chinese Amb. Zhou Wenzhong shares some light moments...
Chinese Amb. Zhou Wenzhong shares some light moments...
Chinese Amb. with WACCT Directors
Chinese Amb. with WACCT Directors
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 01.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 01.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 02.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 02.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 03.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 03.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 04.JPG
Cn Amb Zhou at WACCT EF 04.JPG