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Meeli Tamm | profile | all galleries >> Nicaragua >> Granada tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Isla de Ometepe | Granada | Volcano Masaya | Managua | Leon | Nicaragua - Honduras border


Granada was the most important and active city in Nicaragua until Managua became the capital in the 1850s. My favourite city in whole of Central America!!!
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Granada cathedral - rebuilt in 1905 as William Walker burned down the whole city in 1856
Granada cathedral - rebuilt in 1905 as William Walker burned down the whole city in 1856
Palacio Episcopal (Bishop's Palace) at Parque Central in Granada
Palacio Episcopal (Bishop's Palace) at Parque Central in Granada
Granada cathedral
Granada cathedral
Granada cathedral
Granada cathedral
inside Granada cathedral
inside Granada cathedral
inside Granada cathedral
inside Granada cathedral
Palacio Municipal and a colorful new year's eve party bus at the central plaza
Palacio Municipal and a colorful new year's eve party bus at the central plaza
apple salesman in Granada
apple salesman in Granada
getting into the mood of new year's eve
getting into the mood of new year's eve
Iglesia de La Merced thru some electric wires...
Iglesia de La Merced thru some electric wires...
getting into the mood of new year's eve
getting into the mood of new year's eve
getting into the mood of new year's eve
getting into the mood of new year's eve
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