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The DAISY Party
:: The DAISY Party ::
Festival of Light 2002, St Andrew's church, Isleham, Cambridgeshire
:: Festival of Light 2002, St Andrew's church, Isleham, Cambridgeshire ::
:: Cats ::
Close-up shots of the angels in the ancient 'angel roof', St Andrew's, Isleham.
:: Close-up shots of the angels in the ancient 'angel roof', St Andrew's, Isleham. ::
:: la_geyrie ::
:: snow_isleham ::
Pancake Day
:: Pancake Day ::
:: church ::
:: the_new_flat ::
Joni and Adrian's Wedding - London - 29 March 2003.
:: Joni and Adrian's Wedding - London - 29 March 2003. ::
Isleham bungalow
:: Isleham bungalow ::
:: malting ::
St Andrews' Isleham - Flower Festival 2004
:: St Andrews' Isleham - Flower Festival 2004 ::
Kennedy Road
:: Kennedy Road ::
Festival of Light, St Andrew's, Isleham, Cambs.,UK - 2007
:: Festival of Light, St Andrew's, Isleham, Cambs.,UK - 2007 ::
Flower Festival August 2008
:: Flower Festival August 2008 ::
Quilts exhibition - St Andrew's church, Isleham August Bank Holiday 2014
:: Quilts exhibition - St Andrew's church, Isleham August Bank Holiday 2014 ::
Wedding dresses and Christening gowns display - St Andrew's, Isleham - August 2015
:: Wedding dresses and Christening gowns display - St Andrew's, Isleham - August 2015 ::
Karma Farm Eco Campsite in Isleham, Cambridgeshire
:: Karma Farm Eco Campsite in Isleham, Cambridgeshire ::
OPen Gardens Day in Isleham, Cambridgeshire, UK in 2023
:: OPen Gardens Day in Isleham, Cambridgeshire, UK in 2023 ::
Fuller's Mill Gardens in Suffolk August 18, 2024
:: Fuller's Mill Gardens in Suffolk August 18, 2024 ::
Quilts and Quilting festival at St Andrew's Isleham, UK, in Augusr 2024
:: Quilts and Quilting festival at St Andrew's Isleham, UK, in Augusr 2024 ::