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Marcel de Jong | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images from Perth and Western Australia > Black Swan 1 - Swan River
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Marcel C. de Jong

Black Swan 1 - Swan River

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cits_4_pets17-Oct-2015 04:48
great details in the feathers and love how they draw the eye up to the eye. Excellent!!!
Ken Zaret06-Jul-2012 18:59
Great one! And I have walked along the Swan River in Perth!
Peter Stubley05-Jul-2012 13:14
Very striking shot. Nicely done.
Dennis Camp17-Oct-2010 01:55
Stunning capture, the eye contact is chilling. Good work.
Terry Bowker29-Aug-2010 00:18
2nd Place
Such wonderfully sharp image of this Swan. The lovely red colors against the black of the feathers make for a terrific composition.
Guest 26-Aug-2010 14:42
Incredible shot! Love the comp, very crisp shot, great colors. Bravo!
Jeff Jensen 17-Mar-2007 16:19
I absolutely love this picture. Looks very sinister.
Guest 16-Dec-2006 11:05
I love this shot, the colours, the detail and the composition are spot on..
Guest 16-Nov-2006 04:32
Great composition.
malcolm arnold 08-Sep-2006 00:58
What a breath taking image . Mere words cannot relate it's beauty.Thank you for sharing your artist ability
Yves Rubin04-Jun-2006 01:24
What a strong picture! Compositiionally perfect! I like the fact that it is not obviously a swan at first look...
Karen Moen22-Nov-2005 11:14
Beautiful, unique composition. Gets my vote.
Guest 08-Oct-2004 13:51
Beautyful shot, very well done.
CJ Morgan04-Jun-2004 11:51
Wow, great shot Marcel. A most wonderful and powerful composition.
niemand28-May-2004 02:27
Wow, wonderful image. You've got everything here -- color, contrast, texture, composition. Well done.
Guest 27-May-2004 13:32
Wonderful composition - breathtaking in fact.
Guest 27-May-2004 04:03
This photograph stopped me in my tracks.
Phyllis Stewart25-May-2004 05:26
Gorgeous shot! Gets my vote!