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Michael Todd | profile | all galleries >> Uganda 2017 >> December 9 (Day 17) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

December 9 (Day 17)

A little birding in the morning, going to the top of Murchison Falls this time, then a couple of stops later as we drove back to Entebbe to bid our guide farewell and prepare for the long flight home which was a late departure.
Nile Sunrise
Nile Sunrise
Murchison Falls
Murchison Falls
Rock Pratincoles
Rock Pratincoles
Rock Pratincole
Rock Pratincole
European Honey-Buzzard
European Honey-Buzzard
Booted Eagle
Booted Eagle
Gray-crowned Crane
Gray-crowned Crane
African Marsh Harrier
African Marsh Harrier
White-crowned Sparrow Weaver
White-crowned Sparrow Weaver
Hooded Vulture
Hooded Vulture
Hadada Ibis
Hadada Ibis
Hooded Vulture
Hooded Vulture