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Sound of Scotland (9 Galleries)

This gallery follows the Deeside Caledonia Pipeband from Aberdeenshire around their various events and competitions
Deeside Caledonia 2013
:: Deeside Caledonia 2013 ::
Deeside Caledonia 2012
:: Deeside Caledonia 2012 ::
Deeside Caledonia 2011
:: Deeside Caledonia 2011 ::
2011 Deeside Calendar
:: 2011 Deeside Calendar ::
Deeside Caledonia 2010
:: Deeside Caledonia 2010 ::
 Buchan Pipe Band 2009 Grade 4
::  Buchan Pipe Band 2009 Grade 4 ::
Aberdeen Arts Centre 2009
:: Aberdeen Arts Centre 2009 ::
 Buchan Pipe Band 2008 Grade 4
::  Buchan Pipe Band 2008 Grade 4 ::
Rubislaw Pipe Band 2008 Grade 4
:: Rubislaw Pipe Band 2008 Grade 4 ::