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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2012 - A Year of images! > HMT Lights
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26-Dec-12 McGarva

HMT Lights

Aberdeen, Scotland

Long exposure of Aberdeen His Majesties Theatre
Used a tilt shift to correct for verticals in camera using the shift function

Image below is using the tilt shift to change the plane of focus

More of my Aberdeen gallery at


other sizes: small medium original auto
Stephanie29-Dec-2012 17:40
Wow! The tilt-shift lens does a fabulous job with making straight buildings!
Beautiful lighting and colors! :)
Bill Miller28-Dec-2012 09:39
Very good light. I like the second one with the reduced depth of field too.
FTRphotography27-Dec-2012 22:06
Nice composition. I had a similar pic from a week before this but didn't manage as good a shot as this one. The long exposure looks great. Hopefully my next post will be from the other side of the globe in NZ.
Johnny JAG27-Dec-2012 16:15
Beautiful shot
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