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McGarva | all galleries >> Sport (7 Galleries) >> Football (Gallery) > 7 - Ronaldo
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10-May-2009 McGarva

7 - Ronaldo

Theatre of Dreams, Manchester, England

World Player of the Year 2009
Manchester United 2 - 0 Manchester City
More in my Theatre of Dreams gallery

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Thomas13-Sep-2009 21:52
Are you sad or glad?
Guest 02-Sep-2009 08:45
The Guy is as good as he looks !!!
Dek Grant05-Jun-2009 20:31
class - great shot, and the mans the bomb.
peterjay4522-May-2009 14:34
Well shot and processed. V.
Ali Majdfar17-May-2009 08:31
Outstanding capture, ~V
tinkerb13-May-2009 22:10
Stunning - brilliant shot almost as brilliant as the man himself - though like Nick it gauls me to say so.
Guest 12-May-2009 18:13
Love the effect, but my god, I dislike that man!! :) V
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