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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2009 - A Year of images! > Minamilism
Sand & Wind!
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10-JAN-2009 McGarva

Sand & Wind!


Windy day at the beach which gave great
effects of drifting sand

Today’s “Photo when in the mood” entry

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dek Grant19-Mar-2009 22:49
love this, going to try and create a similar image for my own learning experience - imitation is the best form of flattery ! - NICE.
Pete Hemington28-Jan-2009 20:56
Nice shot - feeling of movement from so little - i.e the post in good focus and the sand blowing around.
Sam X23-Jan-2009 15:05
great finding and greater shot
Theo Snijder23-Jan-2009 10:14
True minimalism. Excellent photo that catches the eye. V
Norbert Fortelny14-Jan-2009 16:46
Yes, pretty dynamic too.
Norbert Fortelny14-Jan-2009 16:45
Beaches are always good for motifs.
Well seen.
Richard Chapman13-Jan-2009 01:26
Beautifully seen and captured.
Mairéad11-Jan-2009 20:13
Beautiful tones and movement in this. V
Maaike Huizer11-Jan-2009 08:21
This is wonderful. Love the composition, the details in the sand, the tones. V
Jeff Lobaugh11-Jan-2009 01:51
Fantastic photo! The little splash of blue really makes the image. Keep that lens pointed downwind!!!
Jola Dziubinska11-Jan-2009 01:20
Stunning photo, love it. V.
Ann...10-Jan-2009 23:52
Wonderful shot! I like the crop and composition very much.
J. Scott Coile10-Jan-2009 22:53
Fabulous. Nice to see another take of the overall scene. Well composed.
carol j. phipps10-Jan-2009 22:38
jlm10-Jan-2009 18:24
Superb artwork !!
laine8210-Jan-2009 17:33
Hard to pick between the two...but I do like the isolation here.
Michael Shpuntov10-Jan-2009 16:59
Fantastic effect. I can how sand is moving around. Very well exposed to capture this. Vote.
Steve Morris10-Jan-2009 16:40
Fine graphic - love the texture!!BV
Jim Ross10-Jan-2009 16:00
I think i prefer this one...
Stewart Mitchell10-Jan-2009 16:00
Really like this...the comp and the wind blown sand are excellent!!
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jan-2009 15:47
Great find on the beach. Both images look fine to me.
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