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Jessica McCollum | all galleries >> photo_when_i_can >> june_pad > 062706.jpg
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Canon EOS 20D
1/400s f/10.0 at 70.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 29-Nov-2006 13:39
Beautiful work! Love the colours and Framing! ~V~
JW02-Jul-2006 07:56
What a super frame full of colour. ~V~
shatterbug29-Jun-2006 06:30
Wow! A burst of color here! Vibrant colors, great detail and nicely done dof! V.
Mindy McNaugher29-Jun-2006 02:04
Absolutely exquisite!!! Gorgeous reds! Fabulous light! Vote!
Jola Dziubinska28-Jun-2006 19:11
Absolutely stunning, love the reds. Vote.
René Gysi28-Jun-2006 06:20
Beautiful photo with good light and dof.
Steven Jusczyk28-Jun-2006 02:39
Great reds!
Guest 27-Jun-2006 23:37
Nice image :O)
beverley harrison27-Jun-2006 21:44
beautifully done jessica the backlighting is fab as is the detail!!vote!!
Beverly Wickersham27-Jun-2006 21:29
Beautiful, bold colors.
Scott Browne27-Jun-2006 20:55
Great colors. Love the stems and blooms crossing.
Sean Blumenhein27-Jun-2006 20:30
Lovely Jess, beautiful colors and the DOF is perfect.
Johnny JAG27-Jun-2006 19:49
Beautiful, nice light. v
Stephanie 27-Jun-2006 19:26
Beautiful shot.
Faye White27-Jun-2006 19:14
Char27-Jun-2006 18:54
How terrific! This is perfect Jessica. GMV
Guest 27-Jun-2006 18:14
Just boootiful Jessica.V