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Barry McCartney | profile | all galleries >> Canadian, Landscapes >> British Columbia >> Port McNeil,B.C. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Barnet Marine Park, B.C. | Belcarra Park, B.C. | Britannia Mine Museum, B.C. | Burnaby Village Museum, B.C. | Colony Farm, Port Coquitlam, B.C. | Coombs, B.C. | Coquitlam, B.C. | Crescent Beach, Vancouver, BC | Cypress Mountain | Fraser River, B.C. | Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, B.C. | Gulf Islands, B.C. | Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. | Harrison Lake, B.C. | Hatley Castle,B.C. | Kaleden, B.C. | Kelowna,B.C. | Ladner, B.C. | Long Beach, Tofino, B.C. | Minnekhada Park, Port Coquitlam | Mission, B.C. | Myra Canyon (Kelowna),B.C. | Nanaimo,B.C. | Pacific Rim Trail, Ucluelet, B.C. | Pemberton,B.C. | Pitt Meadows, B.C. | Port Hardy, B.C. | Port McNeil,B.C. | Port Moody, B.C. | Sechelt, B.C. | Shuswap, B.C. | Sidney, B.C. | Squamish, B.C. | Steveston,B.C. | Stewart Farm, B.C. | Summerland,B.C. | Tofino, B.C. | Ucluelet, B.C. | Vancouver, B.C. | Victoria,B.C. | Westbank,B.C. | Wild Pacific Trail, Ucluelet, B.C. | Westham Island, Vancouver, BC | Whistler, B.C. | White Rock Beach, B.C.

Port McNeil,B.C.

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These were photos taken on a WHALE WATCHING EXCURSION with our friends Cheryl and Warren.
Booked the half day outing with MACKAY WHALE WATCHING -
Just an EXCELLENT family run business, would highly recommend them - check out their web site at
P.S. - followed a pod of killer whales for hours, but couldn't get any decent whale shots with the point and shoot that I had at the time.
Naiad Explorer Whale watching tour IMG_0070
Sea Fog Interior of Naiad Exploer