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All photographs are copyrighted by Barry McCartney and may not be downloaded, copied in whole
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Norwegian Sun Fort Anne National Historic Site Porter Brothers Store Erected 1906
7D2_1671_LR Star Princess 40D_12059_LR
Mission Hill Winery Ford Lions Gate Bridge & Prospect Point Lighthouse
40D_17294_LR Norwegian Epic 40D_11781_LR
40D_16782_LR Narcissus IMG_2826_LR
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. 40D_08069_LR Clematis
Sea Gull Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Multi Platinum Album
Caproni Ca.20 Shafer Trail Road 40D_17404_LR
750_1184_LR IMG_0300_LR 40D_7169_HDR
Bison 40D_0330_LR 40D_08048_LR
Cliff Palace And Tour Group 40D_10530_LR 1952 Chevrolet COE Truck
750_0890_LR 40D_01995_LR 40D_03332_LR_Flood
Plymouth 40D_6573_LR Haystack Rock
40D_18847_LR IMG_3711_LR 40D_12392_LR
Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse Lower Falls PB4Y-2 Privateer Navy Patrol Bomber
40D_18931_LR 1933 Chevrolet 5 Window Coupe 40D_15880_LR
Stanley Park's Brockton Point Lighthouse and Downtown Vancouver 40D_08307_LR 1953 - 55 International
40D_11475_LR 40D_07940_LR Kettle Valley Raildoad, Tourist Train
750_0365_LR 40D_6745_LR 40D_6718_LR
40D_16019_LR 40D_08077_LR 7D2_1165_LR
Green River Overlook 40D_7011_LR IMG_3678_LR
Gifford Homestead 7DM2_0562_LR 40D_08797_LR
IMG_0303_LR Boat House 750_0345_LR
Ruskin Dam Shafer Trail Road Caproni Ca.20 - World's First Fighter Plane
40D_17712_LR 40D_10701_LR Tunnel Arch
1954 Ford Mercury Pickup 40D_12002_LR 40D_08387_LR
40D_03642_LR 1929 Auburn Boat Tail Grand View Point Overlook
Castello di Amorosa Winery 40D_01958_HDR 40D_08882_LR
IMG_1799_LR Norwegian Sun & Carnival Breeze 40D_6722_LR_Web-2
7DM2_0186_LR Bull Elk Hilton Waikoloa Village
40D_14604_LR 7DM2_0160_LR 40D_08031_LR
Lion's Gate Bridge Dead Trees 40D_08367_LR
40D_11214_LR 40D_09599_LR Desert Bighorn Sheep
View From Lighthouse Convair B-36J Peacemaker Cape Spear Lighthouse
40D_13047_LR 40D_01458 40D_18820_LR
View from Lighthouse 40D_10699_LR 40D_13358_LR
750_1675_LR Twin Towers 40D_08339_LR2
HorseShoe Bend Bald Eagle 40D_12009_LR
40D_07929_LR IMG_2035_LR Sandos Playacar Beach Resort
40D_17002_LR 40D_10596_LR 40D_12326_LR
IMG_0293_LR The Skull 40D_07998_LR
40D_11131_LR 40D_16220_LR Ganoderma Resinaceum (Lacquered Bracket)
40D_01716_LR 40D_6341_LR Albatros D.Va (Reproduction)
40D_09743_LR 40D_10785_LR 40D_08345_LR
40D_03028_LR 40D_08584_LR 40D_01499_HDR
Picture Lake and Mount Shuksan 40D_14493_LR St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery
7DM2_0554_LR 40D_17006_LR 40D_08049_LR
Zabriskie Point 40D_02333_LR_Flood Bird of Paradise
40D_17707_LR 40D_08044_LR Wild Turkey
IMG_1842_LR Barn On Mormon Row 40D_0435_LR
Seven Seas Mariner 40D_01656_LR Golden Gate Bridge
7DM2_0156_LR 40D_14127_LR Cholla Cactus
Chimney Rock IMG_3681_LR Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes.
Anthurium 40D_13417_LR 40D_01874_LR
40D_12021_LR Stern's Wharf & Star Princess 40D_17362_LR
40D_12079_LR 40D_13721_LR 40D_12404_LR
Rose 40D_09621_HDR 40D_16722_LR
Engine 3716 40D_03601_LR Rose
40D_6990_LR IMG_0295_LR Hubbard Glacier
750_1094_LR 40D_11887_LR Pontiac GTO
40D_09136_LR 750_0897_LR 40D_01552_LR
40D_11592_LR Military Base Hibiscus
Mule assisting Norwegian Sun 40D_02582_LR 40D_12684_LR
40D_16392_LR 40D_08666_HDR 40D_10359_LR
7D2_1461_LR 40D_16197_LR Evening Squid Fishery
San Miguel Mission 40D_07953_LR 40D_09498_LR
Fraser River 40D_03269_HDR 40D_09899_LR
40D_02405_LR_Flood 750_0557_LR 40D_03273_LR
40D_16008_LR 40D_12931_LR 750_1458_LR
40D_16162_LR 40D_08350_LR 40D_15998_LR
40D_18319_LR Zabriskie Point 40D_12591_LR
7D2_2419_LR 40D_14475_LR 7D2_2886_LR
40D_11986_LR 40D_14241_LR Custers' GraveStone
40D_17388_LR Prickly Pear 40D_0387_LR
750_0176_LR 40D_11763_LR 40D_12945_LR
40D_16096_LR 40D_02125_LR 40D_7296_HDR
7D2_2457_LR 40D_16095_LR Sandos Playacar Beach Resort
Ship Rock 40D_14780_LR Morro Rock
40D_09161_LR 40D_01787_LR 40D_11167_LR
Approaching Hubbard Glacier 40D_11568_LR Ferryland Lighthouse
Delicate Arch 40D_18783_LR 40D_08301_LR
Ubehebe Crater - Path along crater rim Cholla Cactus 40D_08468_LR
7D2_1681_LR 40D_13946_LR 40D_09251_HDR
IMG_3648_LR Pigeon 40D_12007_LR
Christmas Lights At Lafarge Lake Catalina Chimes Tower 7DM2_0569_LR
40D_11765_LR Cave Draperies 40D_02735_LR
Ferryland Lighthouse Ford Model A 40D_08371_LR
40D_14062_LR Water Lily 40D_08502_HDR
Cholla Cactus Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5a (Reproduction) 40D_7483_HDR
750_1057_LR Long Point Lighthouse 40D_14268_LR
IMG_2788_LR 40D_02530_LR 40D_09917_LR
40D_16107_LR Pine Tree Arch 40D_08373_LR
Mission Hill Winery The Dungeon Celebrity Eclipse
1956 Chevrolet Nomad 40D_02289_LR IMG_2959_LR
Mormon Barn 40D_12488_LR Cape Spear Lighthouse
Douglas DC-2 40D_18746_LR 40D_17647_LR
40D_17473_LR 40D_11197_LR Fan Palm
40D_01577_LR Mesa Arch Fermentation Tank, Sterling Vineyard
40D_12438_LR 40D_07029_HDR 7DM2_1118_LR
40D_16639_LR Chevrolet Tanker Japanese Pavilion - Epcot
40D_16005_LR 40D_09740_LR 40D_09159_LR
Chrysler Lily 40D_12215_LR
Republic F-105D Thunderchief 40D_13908_LR 40D_13043_LR
40D_08051_LR 40D_18384_LR Baldwin Locomotive - Furnace Creek Resort
Boeing Model 80A-1 40D_0382_LR 40D_12223_LR
40D_11412_LR Ground Squirrel 1959 Chevrolet Corvette
1933 Federal Model 17 North American P-51D Mustang Myra Canyon Trestle
Claret Cup Cactus Queen Mary & Carnival Miracle Chimney Rock
7D2_1470_LR 40D_10694_LR IMG_1859_LR
40D_13937_LR 40D_01551_LR 40D_10528_LR
Norwegian Sun 750_1045_LR 40D_14660_LR
40D_16054_LR 7DM2_0808_LR 40D_7609_LR
IMG_3701_LR 40D_17624_LR 40D_02701_LR
7DM2_0962_LR 750_1793_LR Narcissus
Green River Overlook Mesa Arch 1931 Oldsmobile
Hayward Lake Reservoir Castello di Amorosa Winery 40D_11768_LR
Shelter, once used by cowboys 750_0379_LR 40D_10822_LR
40D_03585_LR 40D_01648_LR 40D_08072_LR
40D_15863_LR 40D_11122_LR Lockheed Blackbird M-21
International Plymouth Pine Tree Arch
Ford 40D_16092_LR Mule from above
Lifeguard 40D_12632_LR 40D_12944_LR
40D_09792_LR Navigation 40D_12593_LR
40D_12212_LR 7DM2_0433_LR 40D_02060_LR
40D_13782_LR IMG_3693_LR IMG_2801_LR
Bridge - Norwegian Pearl 40D_12847_LR 750_1125_LR
Kona 40D_16085_LR 40D_11614_LR
IMG_1605_LR Leaving Harbor Delicate Arch
Harbour Entrance 40D_12001_LR 40D_17135_LR
40D_09162_LR 40D_12045_LR 40D_08350_LR
Castello di Amorosa Winery 40D_08251_LR End of Gatun Lock at Gatun Lake
40D_6850_LR 40D_12325_LR Houseboat
40D_08383_LR San Cristobal Fort 7DM2_0963_LR
40D_13944_LR 40D_11748_LR Ho'okipa Beach Park
Black Tusk Mountain 750_1786_LR 7DM2_0300_LR
Delicate Arch Chevrolet Tanker 40D_7757_LR
Half Dome, Liberty Cap, Veral Falls and Nevada Falls Rose 750_1696_LR
Channel Island Fox South Beach 1928 Essex Super Six
40D_16087_LR Wagon Wheel Elevators - Deck 9
1957 Ford Fairlane 40D_02540_LR 40D_01943_LR
IMG_0294_LR 40D_17788_LR Plow
750_1117_LR 40D_11496_LR Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn
40D_02753_LR 40D_01640_LR 7DM2_0566_LR
Mission Hill Winery 40D_16021_LR Plymouth
Borax Wagon - Harmony Borax Works 40D_08387_LR St. John's Harbour Entrance
40D_03025_LR 40D_7024_LR 40D_02315_LR
40D_18240_LR 40D_01485_HDR Castello di Amorosa Winery
40D_16100_LR de Havilland DH-4M1 Wizard Island
40D_16041_LR 1953 Ford F100 Pickup Wild Flower
750_1192_LR 40D_02536_LR Black Rhino
Tlaquepaque Shopping Mall 750_0234_LR 40D_08467_LR
1953 - 55 International Borax Wagon - Harmony Borax Works 40D_12928_LR
40D_6575_LR 40D_0370_LR Colorado River Gooseneck - Dead Horse Point State Park - After Torrential Rain
Saturn 5 Fuel Tank 40D_02004_LR 750_1351_LR_Web-2
40D_17522_LR Douglas C-133B Cargomaster Old Mission Santa Barbara
40D_12289_LR 40D_15858_LR Cholla Cactus
Red Banana Plant 40D_16306_LR 40D_06932_HDR
Hovenweep Castle Myra Canyon Trestle 40D_12094_LR
40D_0396_LR 40D_07910_LR_Flood 40D_14284_LR
750_0302_LR B.C. Ferry - 'Spirit Of Vancouver Island' 40D_08592_LR
40D_19125_LR IMG_2777_LR 7D2_2393_LR
40D_03025_LR 40D_02811_LR Quails Gate Winery
Geyser Half Dome Late Afternoon Chevrolet
George Massey Tunnel & Mt. Baker China Town Virgin River
40D_16812_LR 40D_01474_LR 40D_09136_LR
40D_11574_LR Celebrity Ecliose 40D_17612_LR
Douglas B-23 Dragon IMG_0356_LR Grizzly Bear
40D_13780_LR Mesa Arch 40D_16762_LR
Hilton Waikoloa Village 750_1420_LR 40D_12063_LR
Peyto Lake Chimney Rock Douglas DC-2
40D_08726_LR Vintage Car Show Ford Truck
7DM2_0959_LR Carnival Sensation & Carnival Ecstasy 40D_01982_LR
40D_14254_LR 1938 Chevrolet Pickup Slot Canyon
750_1417_LR 40D_03588_LR Moraine Lake
1960 Chevy Corvette Chevrolet 750_0400_LR
Fort Anne National Historic Site Sunken Barge Old Spanish Days Parade (Fiesta)
Clematis 40D_11912_LR 40D_10736_LR
7D2_1566_LR 40D_6486_LR 40D_02116_LR
Chimney Rock 40D_15246_LR Maritime National Historic Park
40D_07939_LR Street Vendor 40D_02518_LR
40D_08888_LR 40D_10577_LR 7DM2_1117_LR
40D_09164_LR Grand Tetons Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes.
Passage At Sand Dune Arch 40D_13786_LR 40D_15965_LR
40D_15864_LR 40D_7277_LR Mule
7DM2_0971_LR 40D_10601_LR Rolls-Royce, Furnce Creek Inn
Nieuport Type 27 (Replica - France) 40D_13013_LR Turrent Arch
40D_16133_LR Lily 750_1626_LR
40D_14601_LR 40D_17289_LR Grizzly Bear
Mesa Arch 40D_12484_LR Wolf Ranch
Caproni Ca.20 - World's First Fighter Plane 40D_12934_LR Kettle Valley Railroad Trestle
Myra Canyon Trestle # 6 on left 40D_12426_LR 40D_01908_LR
Ho'okipa Beach Park IMG_1844_LR 40D_17034_LR
Old Unused Trestle Roberts Bank Coal Terminal Ryman Auditorium
IMG_0297_LR 40D_01980_LR Highway 1
Sandos Playacar Beach Resort Mount Baker In Clouds Barbour Heritage Living Village
40D_18828_LR 7DM2_0434_LR 40D_13592_LR
1956 Chevrolet Nomad 40D_08524_LR 40D_0336_LR
7DM2_0612_LR 40D_09816_LR Zabriskie Point
San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort   - From Inside WWII Bunker 40D_10320_LR Fishing Hoist
IMG_0288_LR Rose 40D_07931_LR
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. End Of The Runway 40D_08586_LR
40D_7401_LR 40D_09137_LR 40D_11530_LR
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) 7D2_2810_LR At Wolf Ranch
Prickly Pear Cactus 40D_08016_LR 40D_14257_LR
Moloki Island in Cloud Boeing Stearman IB75A IMG_0298_LR
40D_08677_LR Hilton Waikoloa Village Giant's Head Mountain
40D_10586_LR IMG_2780_LR Nieuport Type 27 (Replica - France)
40D_03310_HDR 40D_08992_LR Tlaquepaque Shopping Mall
40D_12976_LR Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. Lycoming R-680-13 Engine on Stinson Model O
40D_14122_LR 40D_16023_LR Fort Anne National Historic Site
Stairwell Catalina Chimes Tower 750_1307_LR
1933 Chevrolet 5 Window Coupe 40D_6695_LR Chrysler
St. Paul's Anglican Church Nakajima Ki-43-IIIa Hayabusa Oscar (Reproduction) IMG_1806_LR
IMG_3651_LR 1941 Chevrolet Pickup IMG_0302_LR
40D_02533_LR 40D_6557_LR_Flood 40D_02586_LR
El Morro Fort 750_1003_LR After Hiking To Top Of The Canyon
7DM2_0922_LR 40D_08260_LR 40D_16785_LR
Natural Shelter San Cristobal Fort 40D_12415_LR
Grey Crowned Crane 40D_16980_LR Dead Horse Point State Park
Studebaker 750_1120_LR The Grand Tetons
40D_09884_LR Iron Wheel San Cristobal Fort - Sea Mist
7DM2_1111_LR Queen Mary 1939 Ford Coupe
Ceramic Tile Art along the Boardwalk IMG_1885_LR IMG_3689_LR
40D_16398_LR Convair B-36J Peacemaker 40D_7756_LR
Lounge Near Stern 750_1065_LR Round Tower
40D_14312_LR IMG_3646_LR Colorado River Gooseneck - Dead Horse Point State Park - After Torrential Rain
Giant's Head Mountain 40D_7753_LR 40D_11507_LR
40D_09093_LR Door Handle Bison
IMG_3653_LR 40D_16163_LR Rose
Grand View Point Overlook Artist's Point Beech C-45H (D-18)
IMG_3714_LR 40D_08588_LR 40D_16994_LR
The Manikin Trinity Bay From Skerwink Trail 40D_18198_LR
Approching Lions Gate Bridge 40D_18346_LR McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle 9/11 First Responder
Fidgit 40D_08221_LR 40D_16163_LR
7DM2_1067_LR Half Dome 40D_6568_LR
San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort Artist's Point 7DM2_0770_LR
40D_16388_LR 40D_08938_LR Ground Squirrel
40D_10799_LR Hilton Waikoloa Village San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort
40D_03298_HDR Ford Fort Amherst
40D_14330_LR 40D_12975_LR 40D_08033_LR
Ford with Chev Engine Cruising Bird Nests
40D_08900_LR Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. 40D_01540_LR
St. John's Harbour Grand View Point Overlook Mule assisting Norwegian Sun
Alau Island  Seabird Sanctuary Joshua Tree 40D_03588_LR
40D_17692_LR 750_1351_LR Wild Dogwood Flowers
Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn Elephant Seals 40D_12921_LR
La Posada Hotel 40D_01911_LR 40D_11775_LR
Castello di Amorosa Winery 1942 Ford Cab Over 40D_01636_HDR
40D_09629_HDR Rattlesnake 40D_16615_LR
40D_07896_LR 40D_6819_LR_HDR 40D_02200_LR
Norwegian Pearl Walking Deck Borax Wagon - Harmony Borax Works 40D_16394_LR
40D_12148_LR Fishing Cone Geyser, West Thumb Geyser Basin 40D_16104_LR
7D2_2786_LR 750_0330_LR San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort
Saguaro Cactus 40D_7762_LR 40D_03363_LR_Flood
Avalon Casino Elk, Sunbathing - Mammoth Hot Springs 7DM2_0961_LR
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. 40D_08605_LR 40D_01638_LR
St. Paul's Anglican Church Spider Rock IMG_0140_LR
40D_08999_LR 750_0893_LR 750_0994_LR
40D_17291_LR Turrent Arch 750_1352_LR
IMG_0291_LR 40D_14474_LR Sikorsky S-43 Baby Clipper
1950's Police Emergency Light 7D2_2824_LR 40D_08023_LR
40D_11581_LR 40D_13720_LR 40D_08501_HDR
Clematis 40D_12065_LR Catalina
A young woman's Quinceañera Celebration IMG_0001_LR 40D_08884_LR
50's and 60's Music Performance - Fabulous 40D_01493_LR 40D_02644_LR
7D2_2766_LR 40D_02458_LR Mission Hill Winery
Green River Overlook Spider Rock Rose
40D_09218_LR 40D_11863_LR 40D_02349_LR
40D_11917_LR 40D_16108_LR Moulton Barn On Mormon Row
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. Rose Cabot Tower, on Signal Hill
North American P-51D Mustang 40D_08787_LR Owachomo Bridge
40D_01618_LR Lobster Traps Mules assisting Norwegian Sun
Piper Seneca The Battery Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn
40D_10344_LR Supermarine Spitfire Mark XIV Grumman F-14A Tomcat
Curtis P-40N Warhawk Channel Island Fox Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn
Ashford Mill Ruins 40D_18689_LR 40D_11926_LR
Castello di Amorosa Winery 40D_13537_LR Purple Star
Hydrangea Boeing Stearman IB75A 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air
40D_02405_LR Delicate Arch 40D_09061_LR
40D_08003_LR San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort  - From Inside WWII Bunker Squamish, B.C.
1957 Chevrolet 750_0867_LR 40D_01562_LR
Fidgit 40D_16159_LR 40D_12015_LR
Elk, California Sikorsky S-43 Baby Clipper View from Long Point Lighthouse
40D_19129_LR 7DM2_0979_LR 7DM2_0989_LR
Chevrolet Tanker 40D_11452_LR 750_1663_LR
Sopwith 7.F.1 Snipe (Reproduction) Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) Mainstreet - Magic Kingdom
Hubbard Glacier IMG_2808_LR Old Mission Santa Barbara
Austin Healey 40D_14603_LR 40D_16643_LR
40D_17499_LR Ghiradelli Chocolate 40D_01742_LR
40D_13960_LR Grumman A-6E Intruder Sandstone Fins
IMG_0299_LR 40D_09148_LR North American Porcupine
40D_16982_LR 1928 Ford Model A 2 Door Coach 40D_02047_LR_Web-2
IMG_3649_LR 40D_15474_LR Tlaquepaque Shops, Galleries and Dining
Bird Of Paradise 40D_0495_LR 40D_02218_HDR
40D_15479_LR Zabriskie Point Casino
750_0783_LR 40D_12453_LR Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX
40D_01731_LR 40D_6551_LR Morning Glory Hot Spring
40D_13703_LR IMG_2622_LR Water Lily
7DM2_0966_LR 40D_17498_LR 40D_14296_LR
Leaves 40D_16519_LR Ho'okipa Beach Park
Fishing 40D_09823_LR_Flood Parker Ranch Headquarters
40D_14310_LR 40D_07891_LR 40D_03298_LR_Flood
IMG_0296_LR 7DM2_0807_LR Star Princess approaching Golden Gate Bridge
Cliff Palace And Tour Group 40D_10633_LR Grizzly Bear
40D_12324_LR Roberts Bank Coal Terminal Vancouver International
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Lockheed 1049G Super Constellation IMG_1841_LR
40D_08281_LR 40D_16062_LR San Miguel Mission
40D_08349_LR 40D_13161_LR Cape Spear Lighthouse
40D_11852_LR Water Lily 40D_13777_LR
7DM2_0480_LR 40D_08968_LR Cape Spear Lighthouse
1956 Chevrolet Model Two-Ten (210) Gooseneck, Colorado River Meerkat, Southwestern Africa
7DM2_1015_LR 40D_0492_LR Water Lily - Wetherly Inn
40D_08987_LR 40D_12004_LR 40D_6749_LR
Celebrity Eclipse Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn San Cristobal Fort
North Window Arch 40D_01654_LR 40D_02504_LR
Avalon Casino IMG_3720_LR Hayward Lake Reservoir
40D_11898_LR 40D_11524_LR Walking to Sand Dune Arch
Yellowstone River 40D_14255_LR 750_1064_LR
1938 Chevrolet Pickup Lion's Gate Bridge St. Paul's Anglican Church
Serenade Of The Seas 40D_15994_LR 40D_15860_LR
40D_14248_LR 1933 Ford Roadster Kahana Beach
40D_13750_LR 40D_01672_LR 40D_11992_LR
40D_12154_LR 40D_12017_LR 750_1138_LR
40D_6351_LR 40D_17853_LR Grand View Point Overlook
IMG_0308_LR Dahlia  40D_08969_LR
Pine Tree Arch 40D_09532_LR 40D_7408_LR
Sand Dune Arch Trail 40D_12401_LR Ferryland Lighthouse
IMG_0299_LR Pine Tree Black Rhino
40D_11810_LR Chevrolet 40D_10020_LR
40D_01492_LR 40D_13201_LR Moulton Barn On Mormon Row
After Hiking To Top Of The Canyon 40D_08074_LR Radio Telescopes
1937 Ford Humpback 750_1099-Pano_LR Radio Telescope
Sterling Vineyard Sunken Barge 750_1422_LR_Web-2
IMG_3683_LR_Web-2 40D_16760_LR 40D_02826_LR
1923 Ford Model T 7D2_2708_LR Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Quote from Michelle Obama's Democratic campaign speech The Battery 40D_11204_LR
Disney Dream 40D_16265_LR Republic F-105D Thunderchief
Owachomo Bridge 750_0359_LR 40D_0442_LR
Norwegian Sun 40D_10671_LR Norwegian Sun
40D_08901_LR Haystack Rock From Hotel Sand Dune Arch Trail
40D_10819_LR Ford Tanker 7DM2_0242_LR
Turquoise Dining room ubc_sub_LR 40D_11904_LR
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. 750_0419_LR 40D_12290_LR
GMC in rear and International in foreground Mesa Arch 40D_11928_LR
750_0097_LR 40D_13419_LR Castello di Amorosa Winery
Bison Hilton Waikoloa Village Mule
Christmas Lights At Lafarge Lake 7D2_1656_LR 40D_09119_LR
Saguaro Cactus IMG_3691_LR 40D_16391_LR
7DM2_0896_LR 1947 Oldsmobile 66 Vancouver At Sunset
40D_13433_LR Ubehebe Crater 40D_16280_LR
40D_7749_LR_Flood Black-Crowned Night Heron Landscape Arch
Tlaquepaque Shopping Mall 40D_10979_LR Dolly's sister Cassie in rear
Emerald Pools Trail 40D_09496_LR San Miguel Mission
40D_02218_LR 40D_10779_LR 40D_7840_LR
7D2_2956_LR McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II Fighter / Bomber 40D_07933_LR
Police Boat Kahana Beach IMG_0148_LR
San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort Kona Fintry Queen
Path At Sand Dune Arch 7D2_1851_LR Grizzly Bear
7DM2_1102_LR 40D_15971_LR Prospect Point Lighthouse
Sopwith 7.F.1 Snipe (Reproduction) 40D_16325_LR 40D_13918_LR
40D_08467_LR 40D_07938_LR IMG_0164_LR
750_1102-Pano_LR Disney Dream 40D_02034_LR
40D_7013_LR 40D_03296_LR 40D_18843_LR
40D_12217_LR Hala Tree - Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) IMG_2328
Akaka Falls Kona Corvette
Sunken Barge IMG_1522_LR 40D_11143_LR
Old Faithful Geyser 40D_08014_LR Hike To Delicate Arch
Frying Pan Hot Spring 750_0416_LR 40D_12929_LR
7DM2_0173_LR Alcatraz 40D_02348_HDR
40D_09917_HDR Norwegian Sun 750_1427_LR
40D_12440_LR Ferryland Lighthouse 40D_6734_LR
40D_11940_LR 7DM2_0973_LR Coast Guard - W. Jackman
7DM2_0909_LR Chrysler Carnival Ecstasy
IMG_0292_LR Borax Wagon - Harmony Borax Works 750_0339_LR
Mission Hill Wine Cellar 40D_14294_LR 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air
40D_12958_LR 40D_13235_LR Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes.
40D_14242_LR 40D_6692_LR 40D_16988_LR
Tlaquepaque Shops, Galleries and Dining IMG_3683_LR Myra Canyon
Sandos Playacar Beach Resort 40D_10715_LR Ford Tanker
Boeing 787 Dreamliner 40D_19103_LR 40D_18184_LR
Stave River 40D_01978_LR 40D_14324_LR
Broken Arch Trail 40D_6991_LR 1947 Oldsmobile 66
7DM2_0162_LR 40D_09132_LR 40D_14321_LR
40D_11691_LR 40D_18428_LR 40D_12078_LR
40D_09735_LR Grand View Point Overlook Boeing B-29 SuperFortress
40D_7746_LR Boeing Model 80A-1 North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber - Mitch The Witch II
Koki Beach 40D_6864_LR 40D_11240_LR
View through hotel ruins Avalon Harbour IMG_0311_LR
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) 1928 Essex Super Six End of Gatun Lock at Gatun Lake
40D_13202_LR 40D_08364_LR Ford
40D_08600_LR 40D_12198_LR 40D_17582_LR
40D_12077_LR The Painted Church 40D_12155_LR
7D2_2763_LR 40D_07916_LR Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge)
40D_07905_LR Schooner Bar Lounge Bamboo
Rainbow Falls Church Rock Door Bell
40D_02531_LR IMG_0290_LR Yellow-Footed Wallaby
Post Office Nieuport Type 24bis (Reproduction - France) 40D_01493_HDR
750_0843_LR Rescue Boat Pa'iloa Bay Black Sand Beach
40D_07916_HDR 40D_16942_LR 40D_14279_LR
Spider Rock 40D_17081_LR 40D_16276_LR
40D_01651_LR Boeing 737 40D_07882_LR
40D_08331_HDR Mormon Row & Grand Tetons Green River Overlook
40D_01610_LR U.S. Coast Guard Base 40D_14462_LR
40D_6472_LR Old Mission Santa Barbara 40D_18219_LR
Camel Butte Castello di Amorosa Winery Tower Of Babel
40D_09758_HDR 7DM2_0295_LR IMG_0295_LR
750_1092_LR Ford Tanker Prickly Pear Cactus
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, 14 square miles of dunes. 40D_08025_LR 40D_11944_LR
40D_12950_LR Carnival Sensation, Carnival Ecstasy and Disney Dream, Norwegian Epic Ruskin Hydro Electric Dam
40D_08247_LR 40D_01629_LR Castello di Amorosa Winery
The Battery 40D_15474_LR-3 Pine Tree Arch
Prickly Pear Cactus Banana Tree Leaves 40D_11419_LR
40D_01895_LR Star Princess  40D_02280_LR
40D_7623_LR 40D_11036_LR 7DM2_1053_LR
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 40D_6845_LR Cabot Tower, on Signal Hill
40D_12232_LR The Grand Tetons Bison & Calf
40D_07890_LR Shafer Trail Road 40D_11427_LR
40D_18693_LR 40D_02047_LR 750_0022_LR
40D_08887_LR 40D_09748_LR Bison & Calf
40D_16274_LR 1947 Oldsmobile 66 Ocotillo Cactus
40D_12430_LR 1960 Chevrolet Corvette Elephant Butte
40D_13092_LR Tender - Heading For Shore 40D_09783_LR
Chance Vought XF8U-1 Crusader Variable-Incidence Wing 40D_13729_LR Ford Tanker
Downtown Vancouver Nieuport Type 28 C1 (France) Chimney Rock
 John Ford Point Cape Bonavista Lighthouse 40D_10311_LR
40D_11861_LR 40D_17039_LR 40D_09004_LR
40D_16712_LR 40D_11392_LR 750_1119_LR
40D_15625_LR 40D_12587_LR 40D_12851_LR
1928 Essex Super Six 750_0044_LR Pebble Beach - 17 Mile Drive
NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover Launch 1941 Chevrolet Pickup 40D_7749_LR
Douglas DC-3 40D_02434_LR 7DM2_0191_LR
1952 Chevrolet COE Truck 40D_03616_LR 7DM2_0553_LR
40D_16158_LR-2 40D_17728_LR Clematis
Spider Rock Dodge 40D_16093_LR
750_1673_LR St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery Lombard Street
40D_7398_LR IMG_1414_LR Boeing B17-G Flying Fortress
40D_13917_LR 40D_13369_LR San Cristobal Fort
40D_13616_LR 40D_6458_LR 40D_13720_LR
40D_02346_LR 7DM2_0437_LR Plymouth
Grey Crowned Crane 40D_16741_LR Addax
40D_16033_LR Golden Gate Bridge 40D_6906_LR
40D_02060_LR_Flood 40D_16211_LR 40D_09499_LR
Nature Trail 40D_13915_LR Ford Tanker
40D_17513_LR 40D_13343_LR Myra Canyon Trestle
40D_11523_LR Ford Tanker 40D_12064_LR
40D_15966_LR 40D_6352_LR 40D_16396_LR
750_1679_LR Warthog 40D_02317_LR_Web-2
40D_11747_LR Chance Vought XF8U-1 Crusader Hibiscus
Cherry Blossoms Fox The Painted Church
40D_02042_LR 40D_07927_LR Catalina
40D_6376_LR 40D_14076_LR 40D_10598_LR
40D_10781_LR 1932 Chevrolet Confederate 3 Window Coupe Betty Boop
40D_02502_LR 40D_18136_LR 40D_03237_LR
Harbour Pilot Central Atrium 40D_16021_LR
40D_14187_LR Hydrangea 40D_14246_LR
IMG_0309_LR Nostalgic Tourist Bus 7D2_2765_LR
750_0809_LR Street Vendor 1935 Plymouth
Tyuonyi (Que-weh-nee) Pueblo Dolly's Family in Concert 40D_18391_LR
40D_01958_LR Disney Dream 40D_14256_LR
40D_02121_LR 40D_12011_LR 7DM2_0565_LR
La Posada Hotel St. John's Harbour Entrance Moloki Island In Cloud
Cool Springs Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn Castello di Amorosa Winery
Boeing Model 80A-1 40D_12981_LR 40D_01646_LR
40D_02538_LR 40D_08369_LR 750_0243_LR
40D_09684_HDR 40D_16349_LR 1929 Auburn Boat Tail
40D_09686_LR 40D_03298_LR 40D_17730_LR
40D_17035_LR 40D_08509_LR Grand Okanagan Hotel
40D_19046_LR Westerdam Clematis
IMG_3665_LR 40D_09694_LR 1955 Chevrolet
40D_08287_LR 40D_10529_LR Ship Rock
Skyline Arch 750_1706_LR Betty Boop
7DM2_0564_LR 7DM2_0278_LR Ford Mustang
40D_11850_LR Mormon Row & Grand Tetons 750_1639_LR
Ford Truck 40D_01542_LR 1933 Chevrolet 5 Window Coupe
IMG_2345_LR Long Point Lighthouse 40D_12456_LR
Ferryland Lighthouse Zabriskie Point Mormon Cabin
Beech C-45H (D-18) Haystack Rock 750_1108_LR
Half Dome 750_1796_LR 40D_0461_LR
Old Mission Santa Barbara 40D_13093_LR The Battery
750_1622_LR 7DM2_0555_LR 40D_17290_LR
San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort 40D_08030_LR IMG_3677_LR
Sand Dune Arch 1956 Ford Thunderbird 40D_7119_LR
40D_0317_LR 40D_01980_LR_Web-2 40D_10595_LR
Virgin River Rose Indian Motorbike
IMG_0306_LR 750_0377_LR 1960 Chevrolet Corvette
40D_12390_LR 40D_12907_LR 40D_14293_LR
Prospect Point Lighthouse 40D_16993_LR 40D_16767_LR
Grizzly Bear Rose Skyline Arch
IMG_0289_LR 40D_02223F_LR 40D_11803_LR
Moulton Barn On Mormon Row 40D_7020_LR Lockheed 1049G Super Constellation
40D_09819_LR 40D_16348_LR Halloween - Main Street
Leaf 40D_6848_LR 40D_07934_LR
750_0324_LR 7DM2_1040_LR 40D_12294_LR
40D_14322_LR 40D_02318_LR International
Wayward 1 40D_01554_LR View Through Mesa Arch
Tidal Pools 40D_08008_LR 40D_16985_LR
Myra Canyon Trestles Dead Horse Point State Park Gower Gulch from Zabriskie Point
Triumph TR4-A Stovepipe Wells 40D_08352_LR_Flood
Picture Lake and Mount Shuksan Driving to Charcoal Kilns - Wildrose Peak 40D_03319_LR_Flood
40D_12782_LR 40D_01658_LR 1934 Chrysler CY Airflow Coupe
Rose Valley Of Fire 1955 Chevrolet
Tlaquepaque Shopping Mall 40D_01904_LR IMG_1818_LR
40D_18272_LR 40D_10595_LR Mormon Barn
40D_01662_LR Bison & Calf 7DM2_0453_LR
Were Aliens Here On Earth?? Bennet's Wallaby 40D_7402_LR_2
7DM2_0161_LR San Felipe del Morro, 'El Morro' Fort Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge)
40D_6351_HDR Cabot Tower 40D_11873_LR
Myra Canyon 40D_08585_LR IMG_0305_LR
Norwegian Sun & Carnival Breeze Myra Canyon 40D_14425_LR
40D_01772_LR 40D_11985_LR Meerkat, Southwestern Africa
Hibiscus View through hotel ruins Vancouver & Mt. Baker, Washington
750_0421_LR Star Princess 40D_13958_LR
40D_02046_LR 1946 Ford Pickup 40D_10587_LR
Hilton Waikoloa Village Star Princess 40D_07955_LR
1953 - 55 International 40D_01619_LR 40D_02729_LR
Leaving the Harbour Ocotillo Cactus 40D_6698_LR
7DM2_0255_LR 7DM2_0283_LR Barn On Mormon Row
Norwegian Sun Crew Member 40D_12439_LR 7DM2_1087_LR
40D_08677_HDR 40D_08139_LR Star Princess and Queen Mary
40D_15349_LR Rose Flowering Cactus
750_1291_LR Hilo Farmers Market 40D_02936_LR
40D_6754_LR 40D_17698_LR 40D_17651_LR
7DM22_1103_LR Picture Lake and Mount Shuksan Ho'okipa Beach Park
40D_0338_LR 40D_6353_LR 7D2_2890_LR
40D_12130_LR Old Mission Santa Barbara 40D_08005_LR
40D_17724_LR 1933 Chevrolet 5 Window Coupe North American P-51D Mustang
40D_01807_LR 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 40D_11885_LR
7D2_1664_LR 7DM2_1018_LR IMG_1846_LR
Tlaquepaque Shops, Galleries and Dining Military 40D_12265_LR
40D_16272_LR 40D_16074_LR Avalon Casino
40D_13874_LR 40D_01491_HDR 40D_01652_LR
Bagley Lake St. Paul's Anglican Church Vintage Headlight, Citroen Type H Van
40D_0285_LR 750_0895_LR 750_1105_LR
Kahana Beach Norwegian Sun 40D_11590_LR
The Battery 40D_08376_LR Old Spanish Days Parade (Fiesta)
40D_14490_LR 40D_6457_LR Old Saint Mary's Cathedral
40D_16221_LR Hwy 374 toward Rhyolite 40D_12778_LR
Rolls-Royce, Furnace Creek Inn 40D_16101_LR Okanagan Lake
40D_14315_LR 40D_16086_LR Grey Crowned Crane
IMG_2328_LR 40D_16005_LR 40D_16094_LR
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) Ryman Auditorium 40D_02222_LR
40D_11484_LR Big Oak Flat Entrance 40D_10527_LR
40D_16397_LR 40D_01661_LR 40D_16800_LR
Grand View Point Overlook 40D_12235_LR 750_1677_LR
IMG_0304_LR Rose Busker
Gooseneck, Colorado River 40D_10526_LR Soda Bar
Kettle Valley Railroad Trestle Pelican IMG_0160_LR
Ford 40D_10586_LR Hovenweep Castle
40D_17936_LR 40D_01935_LR 40D_14318_LR
40D_08339_LR Golden Gate Bridge San Felipe de Neri Church
Stovepipe Wells 40D_08589_LR 7DM2_0953_LR
750_0178_LR 40D_14249_LR 40D_13780_LR
Grumman F14 Tomcat Lanai Island 40D_09118_LR
40D_08380_LR Haenke Island 40D_09823_LR
Pasa Robles Town Clock Tlaquepaque Shops 40D_17233_LR
Originally a 2 room residence, it became a Brothel Water Lily 40D_12321_LR
Barbour Heritage Living Village 40D_12083_LR Hovenweep Castle
40D_16401_LR 40D_13655_LR McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II Fighter / Bomber
40D_09509_LR 40D_11708_LR 40D_6356_LR
Square Tower House Rose Chimping
7DM2_1068_LR 40D_10524_LR Cape Porcupine
Mules assisting Norwegian Sun 40D_08675_LR Norwegian Sun
40D_01653_LR 40D_01996_LR Tunnel Arch
San Francisco from Sausalito 40D_13012_LR 40D_14253_LR
Wolf Ranch Elk 40D_01491_LR
IMG_1836_LR 40D_01862_LR 40D_12598_LR
Willy's Jeep British Aerospace AV-8C Harrier Elephant Seals
North American P-51D Mustang Harbour Pilot Cholla Cactus
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (City Of Refuge) Ford Model T Truck Ferryland Lighthouse
7D2_2443_LR 40D_01634_LR 40D_12445_LR
7DM2_0119_LR 40D_12019_LR 40D_08590_LR
40D_02385_LR 40D_6399_LR Thermal Spring
40D_17725_LR Dead Horse Point State Park 40D_11423_LR
40D_08355_LR 1929 Ford Model A Indian Memorial
Charcoal Kilns - Rear Vent 40D_12207_LR It's Been a Rough Day
40D_03665_LR Avalon Casino 40D_16338_LR
40D_17905_LR IMG_2031_LR East Quoddy Head Lighthouse
40D_02349_HDR Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX Star Princess
Oakland Bay Bridge Mission Hill Winery 7DM2_0301_LR
Grand View Point Overlook 1947 Oldsmobile 66 Ganoderma Resinaceum (Lacquered Bracket)
40D_09160_HDR 750_1612_LR Roosevelt Arch - North Entrance
40D_17465_LR 40D_17453_LR The 10 Charcoal Kilns
Borax Wagon - Harmony Borax Works 40D_15363_LR Borax Wagon Display
Golden Canyon Hike