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Mike Bishop | all galleries >> Galleries >> canada_day_2015 > Great Gray Owl
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Great Gray Owl

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a favourite because so much luck was involved in this photo, and amf and Charlie were waiting patiently in the truck for me

Canon EOS 5D ,400 f/5.6 L
1/2000s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Herb 07-May-2014 14:32
Great capture V
Dave Larnerd22-Mar-2011 15:33
Killer shot Mike.
Janet Forjan-Freedman24-Jan-2007 01:51
The pose and the eye contact make this an outstanding capture! Janet
Andrey Wagner05-Dec-2006 08:14
Awesome capture!!!