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Maxim Zaretsky | profile | all galleries >> Whitewater tours - Водные походы >> Msta river 2006 - Ìñòà tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Msta river 2006 - Ìñòà

before  torrent old village abandoned CRW_3643_1.jpg
602379.jpg abandoned inside destroied church the bridge over Msta river
destroied church the well torrent coming soon last snow
the silence CRW_3396_-3.jpg the machine kayaker
CRW_3403_-2.jpg CRW_3404_-2.jpg CRW_3460_-2.jpg CRW_3536_-3.jpg
CRW_3700_-2.jpg CRW_3783_-2.jpg light was here CRW_3846_-2.jpg
CRW_3863_-2.jpg IMG_3408.jpg spectators old village
the camp ***